Year Selector / Filtering for YoY Function (more than 5 years)

Hi folks!

I have a range of cards where I am quite limited by only being able to show current year and back 4 years YoY. There are times when I need to show much older data or exclude years (like 2020 or 2021).

Can we add the ability to select more years / filter the available years etc. Using this in conjunction with slicers would be incredibly powerful.

Thanks in advance!

3 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

Planning on allowing more than 5 years yoy


  • RobynLinden
    RobynLinden Contributor

    Agree with this, I have been building my own versions of period over period in order to have more control.

    Would also like control over the legend display — the defaults are 1 year ago, 2 years ago - I would like the option to display the Year from the field I'm reporting on. Date Formatting control would also be important here in the case of Month over Month, etc.

    Broadway + Data