How to find all Flows(MySQL) that contain a specific string



I need to find all MySQL flows that have a specific string somewhere in any of the transforms or final outputs(these are all My SQL scripts).

There is a data governance dataset for Beast Modes and you can use that to find all BMs that have a string but for dataflows, although there is a governance dataflows dataset, we cannot do the same as the code(text) is not stored in a column of this dataset.

Anyone tried to do this before and how did they do it?


Best Answers

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hi @FXM32,

    I believe you can accomplish this using the Java CLI and "List-dataflow" command. This will get you a JSON export that should contain all the SQL statements contained within the dataflow.

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @FXM32 Do the list-dataflow -i <dataflow_id> -f <FILE> flags


  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Hi @FXM32,

    I believe you can accomplish this using the Java CLI and "List-dataflow" command. This will get you a JSON export that should contain all the SQL statements contained within the dataflow.

  • FXM32

    Hello @ellibot,

    thank you for the reply. I run the list-dataflow but I get a list of flows and I am not able to see what option should be used to output the MySQL code in the final JSON file.

    What option should I use?

    Thank you

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @FXM32 Do the list-dataflow -i <dataflow_id> -f <FILE> flags

  • FXM32

    Thank you @ellibot

    Although this works only on a wf by wf basis I have exported one file for each wf and now I am able to do what I need.

    Thanks again.