How do I prevent HubSpot Connector from using Internal Values?

When connecting to data in HubSpot, all of my data reads as HubSpot Internal Data values, and not the actuals names of things. To rename all of these values is nearing impossible. Please help.

Best Answers

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Which report are you choosing with the HubSpot Connector as there are over 20 to choose from? It may be that you need to pull two different reports and then use Magic ETL to join them together so that you get the friendly names you are expecting and not just the internal IDs.

    One way that can make this easier for you is to install the HubSpot Quickstart in the app store. This will create several datasets, dataflows, and cards automatically for you. You can then tweak cards that are of interest to you, or just leverage the dataflows that were created, which have already done the joining work for you.

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  • TDanis
    TDanis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @CaitlynMaddox I would recommend using a dataset view to quickly rename the columns
    or you can send it through an ETL and rename the columns that way.

    If I have answered your question, please click "Yes" on my comment option.
    I also specialize in consumption consulting.

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @CaitlynMaddox To my knowledge, I don't think it's possible to replace the internal values with their corresponding labels. Usually, I have to pull another report using the HubSpot connector that shows the corresponding labels. I'll then join that with the original report in a dataset view.


  • Hi @CaitlynMaddox ,

    Can you share a screenshot? Also which report are you using out of the Hubspot connector? I use the Deals one a lot.

    John Le

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  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    Which report are you choosing with the HubSpot Connector as there are over 20 to choose from? It may be that you need to pull two different reports and then use Magic ETL to join them together so that you get the friendly names you are expecting and not just the internal IDs.

    One way that can make this easier for you is to install the HubSpot Quickstart in the app store. This will create several datasets, dataflows, and cards automatically for you. You can then tweak cards that are of interest to you, or just leverage the dataflows that were created, which have already done the joining work for you.

    **Check out my Domo Tips & Tricks Videos

    **Make sure to <3 any users posts that helped you.
    **Please mark as accepted the ones who solved your issue.
  • TDanis
    TDanis Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @CaitlynMaddox I would recommend using a dataset view to quickly rename the columns
    or you can send it through an ETL and rename the columns that way.

    If I have answered your question, please click "Yes" on my comment option.
    I also specialize in consumption consulting.

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @CaitlynMaddox To my knowledge, I don't think it's possible to replace the internal values with their corresponding labels. Usually, I have to pull another report using the HubSpot connector that shows the corresponding labels. I'll then join that with the original report in a dataset view.