SQL formula not working?

I have a series of tests that run to determine a pass or fail. All the formulas work but this one is giving me problems - CASE WHEN Critical/Major= 'Common'
No>= 2
Critical/Major= 'Major'
No>= 1 THEN 'Fail'

Any one know why this would not be returning a Fail?


  • For your first condidition, Critical/Major can't be both Common and Major at the same time so it won't ever get set as fail.

    It looks like you have two separate conditions so I'd split out the Common and Major clauses into two separate clauses:

    CASE WHEN `Critical/Major` = 'Common' AND No>= 2 THEN 'Fail'
    WHEN `Critical/Major` = 'Major' AND No>= 1 THEN 'Fail'
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  • Level ! - Any single 'Critical' will result in a failure of the audit.

    Level 2 - Any two (2) 'Major' will result in a failure of the audit.

    Level 3 - One (1) 'Major' and two (2) other questions will result in a failure of the audit.

    Level 3 - Three (3) other questions will result in a failure of the audit.

    These are the tests to determine a pass or fail. So how would I get the data formatted to be able to have two conditions together to detmine a fail. 'Other' is another word for 'Common'

  • Does the audit fail across all records with the same submission ID or are you looking to have just the Critical/Major portion of the submission marked as a failure?

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  • Yes, if the audit of that submission ID fails any of the tests the entire submission will result in a fail