Request for Topics

Community friends, I need your help!

The Domo Education Team is looking for topics to use for a new series of videos, based on real-world scenarios and solutions. The theme of the series is walk-throughs of design patterns, processes, techniques, etc., that everyone should have in their Domo skills arsenal. To that end, I'd love to know from all of you: what's something you wish you had known earlier that could you think other Domo users could benefit from. We're looking for broadly applicable topics that might be helpful for a number of use cases.

As an example, here's a pilot video we produced on the Rank & Filter design pattern in Magic ETL:

What do you think? What topics would be most beneficial to your user base, or other Domo users?

Thank you in advance for your insight!



  • Also agree with Domo Everywhere content, especially as it relates to companies who are whitelabeling or going to market with an integrated solution

  • zcameron
    zcameron Domo Employee

    This is super helpful, everyone! I really appreciate the input. I'm adding all of these topics to our discussion pool and will work with my team to plan ways to incorporate them.

    If other ideas come up, please keep them coming!

  • ST_Superman
    ST_Superman Domo Employee
    edited September 2022


    I would like to see more training around some of the newer features. For Example, when you release a new chart type, it should come with a training. Not only a training to help users understand how to build the chart, what options are available in the properties, etc... but also a training about why and when this chart should be used over other options. Why did Domo feel this chart was a benefit to their library?

    I would also want training around features. For example, Segments. How do you build segments? How do you use them? But also why would you build segment? What situations are the right time to look into setting up segments as a solution?

    In my mind, anytime a new feature or chart type is added, there should be at least one training course to answer these kinds of questions.

  • How to enable security settings with the Domo embed feature.

    John Le

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