Pie Chart not showing data

I have a pie chart that shows 6 things in the legend. For some reason it only shows 4 out of those 6 things because 2 of the topics are unclicked. When in analyzer I click them to show all the data but for some reason everytime I come back to the card they are uncliked and the data will not show unless I manually click them. Anyone else have an issue like this? 

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Best Answer

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    So the issue is acutally fixed now! I messaged domo support about the card and they went in and fixed it, they said that the issue was because the card was having trouble saving. I was pressing save but sometimes the cards get stuck in a bad state causing it not to save correctly. 

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  • AS
    AS Coach

    Hi again @Ashleigh


    I have seen similar problems but not this specific issue.  I think it has to do with the browser caching some filters.  Do you see the same problem when you restart your browser and/or force refresh (ctrl+F5) the page?

    MajorDomo @ Merit Medical

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  • Yes the problem is still there when I refresh or restart thr browser. i added another type as well and now that one shows but the new one does not. It seems that the last type never shows. 

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  • I am facing the exact same issue. Do we have any solution to this ?

  • Are you able to show us your screenshots??

    It sounds like you didnt save your configurations.



  • By default it is showing 3 categories in the pie chart and one of the categories is always unselected. I can go ahead and select the unselected category and then the data appears. But again when I open the card the data gets unselected, and is just for one category.

  • @user06465


    I think you unselected the fields within your setting. You can check the colors in the labels by comparing two graphs. The missing field has different color in both graphs and other fields have same and consistent colors.



    Here is the solution:

    1. go to Analyzer

    2. select the missing field and make sure you have 4 groups as indicated in your cases

    3. Save!! <- important step







  • Thats the issue, the moment I am saving the 4th category gets automatically deselected.

    Is there some issue using calculated field with pie chart ? As in my case the category field is a calaculated one

  • Shouldnt be any issues.


    LMK if you have any

  • There is no issue with my settings. The item is selected and has a color setting. 


    I attached a picture of the card in analyzer and the color settings. As you can see the item Professional Development is unselected, if I select it and save, even when I refresh the card the setting is not applied and it is still deselected. 

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  • 1. Make sure you dont filter out 'Pro Dev' as I can see you were using filters.

    2. When you select 'Pro Dev' did its data show up? if it did, 'save and exit' in the analyzer.

  • @lucywo,


    Can you share a screen shot of your suggestion?


    @Ashleigh Let us know if this works for you.



  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    So the issue is acutally fixed now! I messaged domo support about the card and they went in and fixed it, they said that the issue was because the card was having trouble saving. I was pressing save but sometimes the cards get stuck in a bad state causing it not to save correctly. 

    **If this answer solved your problem be sure to like it and accept it as a solution!

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