Where are the Admin features (batch add and export user list)?

I'm looking for best practices on two Admin duties:


  1. How do I batch add users?  Right now I have to individually add people 1 by 1.
  2. How do I export my user list?  I'd like to get a count of how many people I have in Domo and what their access levels are.

As far as I can tell, Domo doesn't let me do the two things above.



  • Godzilla
    Godzilla Contributor

    1. you have to add the users one by one. there is no batch add feature.

    2. There's no way to do this out of the box. However, if you contact support, they can add a new page with some metrics around your users. 

    Domo Arigato!

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  • Thanks. I'll look into getting this as a feature request.


    I'll reach out to support to see if they can make that card for me.  Thanks for the idea.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @BrianL, feel free to post your suggestion in our "Ideas" section!

  • BrianL,


    Here are all of the ideas submitted that contain the word admin in it.


    Feel free to add your specific ideas so that our Product Engineering team can review it and fellow customers can vote it up as needed.




  • michaelf
    michaelf Domo Employee

    Hi @BrianL, we're working on improving the admin experience. How would you ideally bulk add users? Any feedback you may have is greatly appreciated. Thanks!

  • MitchyMitch8
    MitchyMitch8 Domo Employee

    Hey @BrianL, I'm a little late to the party on this one, but you can get a list of all users and bulk import users using the new Domo User API. Here's the link to documentation: https://developer.domo.com/docs/domo-apis/users


    Also, we have a feature that we can turn on for you if you'd like to see your current user count and how many licenses you have left. DM me if you'd like me to turn that on ?