ETL fails due to "This data set does not support data version filtering."

I have my SQL raw dataset set to merge new rows which is working correctly:

This SQL dataset is the input for my ETL attempting to process New rows then Upsert in the output dataset:

However my ETL fails to run due to the stated error:

Am I setting something up wrong? My raw SQL data is not partitioned but it is using the same column to determine the Merge new rows and Upsert to output.

I am using the Microsoft SQL Server JDBC (preferred) connector


  • Bshukla
    Bshukla Domo Employee


    I’ve thoroughly checked this and unfortunately, there isn’t a workaround at the current time. The only solution available is to handle the partitioning on the ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) side, rather than using the Upsert functionality at the workbench level, specifically for the input dataset.

    To clarify, Upsert at the workbench level doesn't support partitioning, which limits its ability to handle large datasets efficiently in some cases. By shifting the partitioning process to the ETL stage, we can better manage data updates and ensure smoother handling of larger volumes of data.

    I hope this helped!