"Send Now" Dashboard Feature - please add Card Descriptions
I love Send Now, it's a great way to get a whole dashboard into someone's hands without creating a PDF or PPT (and worrying about line breaks, etc.) However - it looks like CARD DESCRIPTIONS do not appear in the Send Now picture. I hope that's a small enhancement and easy to do - please consider. Those descriptions can be…
Display Row count at every step in Magic ETL
Currently if you want to know your row count in Magic ETL at any stage other than the out put, you have to place a few temporary tiles to get there. I.E. add a rank and window tile to establish a Row Number column then aggregate with a group by to get the max row. Would really love if each tile could show the rows…
Please show App content in user Profile
Admin > People shows me these options: However, App content doesn't show up in the list of Pages. I know there are now datasets to help understand App usage, but at a person level I would like some visibility into what they have permissions to see.
Allow ONLY HEADER text to wrap in table card
Please give us a chart property for mega tables to allow ONLY HEADER TEXT to wrap. Allowing the whole thing to wrap can cause uneven sized rows, which is really hard to read. But, a longer header can cause a wider-than-needed column. I've played with setting the column sizes via chart properties, but that can cause headers…
Variable control at card-level does not ever show all variables
The UI on the variable control when looking at a card in Expand Details mode is not big enough to actually work with the variable. It seems to only populate 2 options, and the scroll bar makes it super hard to actually see what they are. Unlike Quick Filters, which expand to the height of however many items are in them…
Quick toggle to exclude "Today"
In a report set for "last 7 days", Domo will automatically include the current date if your dataset has rows representing that date. I have many datasets with rows for the future, where the data isn't filled in yet. In order to get today's date to be suppressed in the report, I have to write a Beast Mode: case when `Date…
Allow NOT IN option on dropdown filter cards
Chart Properties for a filter card allow for a few controls (multiple selections was a big win, thank you) However, it does not allow us to show an In/Out filter, which is default feature on page filters. If I add a dropdown filter card in App Studio, we can use it for "include" but not "exclude". The control panel is…
Bring back previous functionality to SAVE AS cards
This menu is proving pretty cumbersome - When I go to "Save as" a card, the pre-filled box in "choose a location" is requiring me to have to delete the text that is pre-filled from the page I'm on, and it has to be fully cleared out before searching for another page via typing (as opposed to using the dropdown menu). If I…
Admin > Activity Log -- Need EXCLUDE filter on Person list
Please give us more dynamic filters on this page! I would love to be able to exclude myself from the "Person" menu. I use this all day to make sure users are logging in, accessing content, etc. DomoStats is helpful but I love this real-time data, and I have to constantly scroll through my own activity. I would rather be…
Dataset Color Rules - lock color to column regardless of rules
Much of my data compares KPIs across 30+ different cities. When I use city on series, the colors are assigned in the order they are charted. So if I'm charting A-Z, the first in the alphabet gets for instance light blue. If, on another KPI, the default sort is by value high to low, the colors are completely mixed up.…
App Studio: Integer Filters need RANGE
Please let us see the min/max/avg range for numerical filters on the App Studio control panel, like we do in Analyzer and on regular card filters: Needs to show this VERY important column-level metadata: The lack of range could cause a user to misinterpret how the data is aggregated.
Color Rules: Prevent table card from inheriting colors
If I set a color rule on a bar chart, and build a table card as the drill, I cannot remove the color rules from the table. The color is inherited from the bar chart, and the only change I can make is to uncolor the WHOLE table row, but I can't simply remove color in the first place. In my use case, the only reason to have…
Domo Stats > App Studio views
I was able to see view of my App Studio content via the Activity Log dataset However, the item displayed is the page WITHIN the app that was viewed - and if the page name isn't really specific, it's not especially clear what app was therefore viewed. Please consider a parent/child relationship for activity tracking within…
Y Axis on Horizontal Bar - Allow Long Labels by Default
I was thrilled to discover the "Allow Long Labels" checkbox on the horizontal bar chart - however, I only think to go into Analyzer and apply it when I realize my labels are cut off in the first place. I would love to have Long Labels allowed by default, and we can uncheck to shorten to the ellipses version of labels Can…
Magic ETL 2.0 - Remove Duplicates needs an "ADD ALL COLUMNS" option
The title says it all!
Color rules for CARD TITLE
I would love to be able to set a color rule on a card title -- imagine we are not tracking toward our goal, so the black report title is told to turn red. An exec scanning through a page (especially a legacy-style page, not a dashboard layout) could be drawn to review that data.
Default - Open card in new tab
Can we please have this dashboard/card property as a default? 99.999% of the time, I want to open the card in a new tab so the user doesn't leave the dashboard. This won't apply when using the expand details button, which is also a nice way to get a closer look at content — but sometimes you just want to pull that card…
Salesforce ExactTarget (Marketing Cloud) Connector - Enhancement
Please make this a searchable list. Even if we are only able to select one Data Extension Object, it's very time consuming to scroll through A-Z
Please allow more display options for Variable controls
Designing a new Domo App, and I have a radio button variable. The only way for this to display is a single vertical list. I have so much horizontal real estate, and want to avoid laying this out in a way that the user has to vertically scroll over the module in order to see all the variables. I will probably shift to a…
Export Dashboard to PPT - enhancement
We can choose to show a card description when we lay out a dashboard -- this is great, as those sometimes help explain what is going on with the data (ex. "Customer could choose multiple responses on this survey question" or "Updated weekly"). However, when you export the dashboard to PowerPoint- amazing, because it takes…
range filter card should function the same as quick filter
I would like to see this filter card: Have the same kind of display as the quick filter for a range: The dropdown allows for more control, and the ability to type your number in the box rather than move a sensitive slider is really ideal.
Surveymonkey Advanced Connector - enhancement request
Please change these to searchable menus - especially the Survey menu. This shows all surveys a user has EVER had access to in Surveymonkey (even if they are closed/removed from access inside surveymonkey.com), and it can take ages to scroll through and find the survey needed for reporting. A searchable list would be ideal…
Filter behavior on dashboard/app vs Details View
I wish the default behavior for filtering via-the-legend at the dashboard/app level would mimic what happens when viewing a card in full screen/via the details view. When I click a colored block in a legend, I'm intending to remove that color from my view and allow the chart to re-scale. I think it's confusing that this…
Date Selector Filter - settings
I would love to see an enhancement to chart properties on Date Selector, specifically for the PRESETS menu. Our data is not live, it runs nightly. So any filter for "TODAY" will always yield no results. The Chart Properties > Presets View has options to exclude Week, Month, and Year options - please add the option to hide…
Option to label the date range on a card
I often hide the date range on card details because there is no way to indicate what the range is for. Launch date? Expiration date? Data upload date? Would LOVE to see a text box perhaps here (yellow highlight below) that would allow me to write text before the date range. In the example above, I would write "Activity…
Governance: Control order of subpages for users (outside of company pages)
I often build subpages that have a set of prefiltered reports -- usually for specific cities where we do business. I build the pages in the order the data shows up. So if Salt Lake City data comes in before Atlanta, the Salt Lake subpage is set up and shared first. This can cause the pages to appear for my users in the…
Datacenter Autotags: Manual vs Scheduled, Append vs Replace
I have been trying to have the discipline to tag my datasets as I set them up or adjust them, based on these important major categorizations: Scheduling: MANUAL vs SCHEDULED Update Type: APPEND vs REPLACE It would be excellent if Domo could auto-apply the appropriate tag based on those attributes, upon creation/update of a…
Display a Card's Quick Filters on Stories (+ Quick Filter Sorting)
I would love to enable a card’s Quick Filters to show up along with the card when designing stories. I often design filters at the story level to replicate the quick filters the user would see if they open a card in full screen, which seems like potentially unnecessary extra work - and in the case that they are based on…