Ability to create a copy of a dataset, and then update settings
SO OFTEN we have to bring in multiple datasets from a single connector. It can be an incredibly time-consuming process, with many of the same steps taken over an over again. If we could simply set up one dataset, then make a copy with a new name, and adjust settings, it would save HOURS…so many hours. It would also make…
When clicking to filter, shouldn't the default be to INCLUDE the value???
Let's say I want to filter the page for the owner changes. Since the slices get small, I have to use the legend to do that. It excludes the values instead of filtering. For extra fun, it also makes the page filter 'In' all the other values! I am also providing an example, using a bar chart, since we would so clearly want…
Setting to place labels inside Donut Chart (and perhaps repair some spacing issues)
This looks silly, and there's definitely room to bring those labels to 'center': This looks even worse, and the labels interfere with the hover labels: This looks less silly, but doesn't have the nice interaction, showing the hover labels inside the circle: Also, notice how much nicer the spacing is with the pie chart,…
Drill to an existing card
Every time a user wants to add a drill path, they have to create a whole new card. If there was an option to select an existing card to drill to, it would make a HUGE difference! I am currently working on a page where most of the cards need to drill to similar detail. I have created a complicated solution with beast modes…
Bulk Credential Changes
The simplest use case for this request is when someone leaves the company. Let's say someone owns all of the Salesforce datasets, and they leave the company. There is currently no way to change the credential driving all of those datasets. Even if the functionality arises where the admin can change that ownership, it would…
DomoStats_Dataset Schema - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. Missing Fields: Column Description Column Tag Column Order Note - There is a field called 'Details'. The only value it contains is, 'This DataSet has not been indexed.' This appears to be for datasets with no…
DomoStats_Datasets - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. Dataset Types: Some datasets in the DomoStats dataset have null Import_Type, Data_Provider, and Source_Type, while Display Processing Type in the Governance dataset has dataset types for these datasets. Of note -…
DomoStats_Groups - Centralizing Feedback
I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments. For group reporting, the following 3 datasets would be expected: Groups - Unique list of ALL groups with relevant metadata like group type, creation date, created by, last modified, and number of members. Group…
In the Activity Log - What is a Container View?
I have someone in an instance with thousands of action every day at the same times. Action = CREATED Object_Type = CONTAINER_VIEW I checked the object names and found that they are cards. It appears that this has something to do with the page's scheduled report, but It's only got a few of the cards reporting this behavior.…
New Quick Link in Community Forum for 'Unsolved'
Rather than having to scroll through all of the recent questions to find questions to answer, it would save a TON of time to be able to see only those which do not have answers marked as solutions. 'Unanswered Questions' tries to do this, but as soon as anyone comments or attempts to answer, the question is no longer…
Add Idea Category and Tag for Community Forum/Ideas Exchange
When providing feedback or ideas for the Community Forum/Ideas Exchange, it is necessary to choose 'other' as the category, and there are no relevant tags.
Clarification of distinction between a question and an idea
It seems that a lot of folks are putting things in as ideas that should be questions. It may be helpful to add some clarification around this and suggest that folks pose questions before submitting ideas, in case there is a solution. Alternatively, it may be helpful to add some sort of functionality to change an idea to a…
Weekly chart displaying differently in child instance
I have a chart with weekly grain on a page which is published to a child instance. In the parent instance, the dates are displayed on the x-axis. In the child instance, the week numbers are showing (SO useless!). Any ideas on the reason for it rendering differently and how to fix it? Parent Instance: Child Instance:
Tags in Ideas Exchange
It appears that it is not possible to add tags when posting here. Is says it's showing the popular tags, but I tried to add one for User Interface, and it would not allow that.
Dataset Stats Page - Filtering
When looking at a dataset, you can select the Stats to review the distribution of values, presence of nulls, etc. When you filter the data before navigating to the stats page, it filters the first 2 sections of information, but not the third. Section 1 - Uniqueness and Nulls - Filtered Section 2 - Graphical Distribution of…
Zendesk Connector
Can someone using the Zendesk connector let me know if there are any tricks to getting it to connect? I am using Username and Password, and it just won't connect. We've tried a vew variations on url, too. Thanks!
Alerts - When Dataset Fails X times in a row.
We are all overwhelmed with email alerts on dataset failures, right? How often do you open the dataset only to find that it was a single random failure, and has since run successfully? I think it would help to have a setting where the dataset/dataflow failure alerts only trigger when there have been multiple consecutive…
#iSolveditwithDomo - Time Conversions
Have you done battle with Date/Time fields in Domo? This video will show you how to get it right! Viewer Challenge #1: Can you see where the Magic ETL processes could have been done a little more efficiently? Can you see where the transforms in the dataflow should be in a different order? Viewer Challenge #2: Can we…
How are folks using the COVID-19 Datasets?
In the Virtual User Group meetings, we have discussed these datasets. In our chats on that page, some have posted what they have done. I thought it would be good to break it off and centralize that content in its own thread. @DaniBoy - Would you mind porting @Godiepi and @trafalger posts over to here? For those of you who…
Swapping YouTube Videos
OK - This isn't specifically Domo-related, but relates to making videos to post on the Dojo, so I hope that's ok! I modified a video I posted on YouTube and want to swap it out without the link changing. Is there a way to do that? I see options to change everything except that! Tagging @swagner ... Our video expert!…
Sharepoint Connector Token Expiration
@AS- Hey There! In my searches, I see that you have experience with the SharePoint connector. Do you actually have to set up a new token every 2 weeks? That doesn't seem to be very workable set-up, and I figured there must be a way to set things up so that there is more persistency. My colleague had reached out to support…
Data Flow Hydration State?
I just found the Domo Governance connector, and loaded the tables. The table "Data Flow Details" has a field called "Hydration State", and it's populated everything as 'dehydrated'. Anyone know the meaning? What are my dataflows thirsty for???