DomoStats_Groups - Centralizing Feedback

I am working on feedback on each of the DomoStats datasets. Please add any additional feedback to the comments.

For group reporting, the following 3 datasets would be expected:

  1. Groups - Unique list of ALL groups with relevant metadata like group type, creation date, created by, last modified, and number of members.  
  2. Group Owners - Group ID, Owner Type, Owner ID
  3. Group Members - Group ID, User ID

Currently, Group Owners is available and Group Members is in Beta. Since the data for Group Members has been out as 'Groups' for a year, and was just replaced with Owners, I hope it will be a relatively short Beta.

The datasets with group members was fine and group owners appears to be in good shape. We just also need a dataset which includes one line per group for ALL groups, regardless of ownership or membership, since both of those can be null.  These fields can also result in multiple lines, which makes them useless for joining. 

***General Note for Domo - Something to put on a checklist somewhere is that each object type needs one dataset with top-level metadata and one line per object id.  From there, we can join all the other many to one tables, but we need the tree to have a trunk.  

Breaking Down Silos - Building Bridges
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5 votes

In Backlog · Last Updated

Thanks for sharing the feedback! There's an obvious need for the Groups report, which would list all groups (regardless of ownership or membership) along with attributes of those groups. I've got this in the backlog and will discuss with our engineering team.