Best Of
Request Access Button
If there is a way to update the "request access button" (see attached screenshot) to do any/all of the following:-
-display the client internal support email in a text box
-redirect to clients internal support email
Currently when a user hits this button, the card owner gets a domo BUZZ message. Client could better track card requests if it would hit their internal support email instead.

Anchor Links for Dashboards
Looking for the same functionality on a web page or Google Docs' bookmarks.

Please add AI Readiness to all DomoStats and Governance Datasets
These datasets seem to be a perfect use-case for making use of the AI assist features built into Domo. Unfortunately it is a LOT of work for every company using Domo to go through and add their own AI Readiness to these datasets.
Some of the benefits (I'm sure there's many others):
- self-documentation - these descriptions, tags, and commentary could all be used to generate a useful online documentation page that is automatically kept up to date for the domostats connector
- usage of domostats would increase
- people making use of domostats would have better comprehension and be more likely to achieve their correct, desired outcome - especially if using the AI Assistant
- it would streamline many workflows that interface with Domo datasets
As a side note - the connector states that there are 37 datasets available on the overview page for the DomoStats connector. I just made a list and there are now 85 datasets available which is great, but now the connector overview is very out of date. This could also be fixed by the self-documentation approach described above.
Doing the same for the Governance datasets would reap all of the same benefits.
Option to add row number on a table card
It would be helpful to have a toggle for tables under chart properties to add a row number. In the past when using other BI tools or Excel/Google Sheet tables, it's been easy to point out insights by referring to the row number of a table. A toggle would be a simple way to include row number for any use cases that would benefit.

Magic ETL Canvas Settings in bulk
The ability to turn on Larger Grid and Grid Lines to all of a user's ETLs (my preference) or user selected ETLs in Magic. Currently users have to do this ETL by ETL. My belief is that if a user wants the grid enabled for one of their ETLs, they would probably want it enabled for all of them.
Recycle Bin
A "Recycle Bin" feature in DOMO: any object that is deleted (card, page, dataset, dataflow, etc.) would be placed in a Recycle Bin.
After 30 days from the deletion date, DOMO would permanently delete it from the instance.
Admin managed section in left nav
Similar to the company managed dashboards section, a section in Left Nav that admins control. I know ya'll are aware of the need but wanted to make sure it was documented here in the Ideas Exchange.
Conditional Gateway Tile
I would like to propose the addition of a tile that enables early termination of a dataflow without writing to the output dataset when specific conditions are met.
A key use case for this feature would be terminating the dataflow if the input dataset contains zero rows. In such cases, the process should end, and a notification should be sent indicating a failure. This functionality would play a crucial role in our data sanity checks, ensuring data integrity before proceeding further.
Select All option in filters
It would great to have a select all option in filters when the user wants to select all the values.
for eg: If a user wants to select all the cities starting with alphabet 'B' then instead of manually selecting all the check boxes it will be easier if there's an select all option for the filters.
Folder structure for dashboards and apps
Working with a team within domo, it becomes tedious to scroll through the "Shared" tab for apps or dashboards to find visualizations we use within the organization and across departments. It would be great to have a folder structure within the shared folders where team members can organize work. This would be great for data sources as well, even if the folder structure only allowed us to add shortcuts to the various apps, dashboards, and data sources