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Allow Table Cards to Control More Than One Filter at a Time
I received feedback from a stakeholder who was using a dashboard with multiple cards on it.
They applied the default filter for their dashboard, and then applied a filter in the first card by selecting a specific Team Member #. When they navigate to another card and apply a filter. The default filter as well as the filter from the first card gets wiped out. The business reported this behavior on all of the pivot tables.
This is tied to
in our system, and this post is the result of DOMO support ticket #05895045
There you can find additional information. Thank you!
Revert Sort Icons Update in Card Analyzer
Anyone else hate the new sort icons in analyzer? When Domo updated their icons last month across the platform, they deployed these new sorting icons in analyzer:
To me, these icons make no sense. First, ascending means larger data as you go down, so the icon having smaller lines as it goes down is opposite, and vice versa with descending. Second, the arrows are opposite to the rest of the Domo platform. The new icons have ascending as a down arrow and descending as an up arrow. Here are other sort icons in Domo:
Ascending in DataSet (it's an up arrow, although now that it is just an outline and not filled, it is very hard to tell, a discussion for another day):
Ascending in Mega Table, Pivot Table, and App Studio Table:
There might be more examples, but these are the ones I could find.

Cloud Amplifier - Snowflake - Choose schema and custom DB and Schema names
For Cloud Amplifier on Snowflake, it would be helpful if we were able to:
- Choose both the destination DB and Schema that the data lands in (rather than having to go only to the Domo managed DB and Domo manage schema "RAW_DOMO".
- Be able to rename the DB and Schema that is generated when the connection is set up
The reason for this is that customer Snowflake instances contain more than just Domo datasets. In our example, our customer would like to have one Schema for each data source (e.g., one for Adobe, one for Google Analytics etc.). Not all of this data is added via Domo, but they want the Domo data to land in the same DB and schema as datasets added via a different method and they would like to be able to name this schema as the data source.
Json No Code and Json No Code oAuth Connector - Add response details
These connectors both return errors that start with "Domo is ready but…" in the dataset history which provide very little detail into the error that actually occurred.
I'm not sure but from examples I've seen it seems like this might be a generic set of messages based on the HTTP status returned.
I appreciate that Domo can't anticipate the interesting ways ever API developer might decide to categorize the response but I think it would be valuable when an endpoint sends a response to actually include that information.
I have to resort to using writing Python so I can actual inspect endpoint response to get a useful diagnostic response and then I'm still only guessing it's the same response that the connector got.
This problem also occurs in the pagination, parsing setups. You can get a generic "Something went wrong" error which really doesn't do much to inform what happened. Again the actual response is often useful.
I had one connector where the endpoint in python testing was responding with "you must provide x, y, z" because it didn't have a default setting for the page or page size parameter. I found you could work around that by setting it statically injecting those parameters on the data selection step with default value and then inputting them again in the pagination step which does seem to then let the pagination step retrieve the sample, and then start paging from there so you can move on the parsing section.
I think being a "No Code" solution means many of users won't be able to resolve these issues and it would be a great enhancement to provide some detail so even if they have to reach out to someone else they have diagnostic responses at all.
Enable "to date" Time (eg. Month to Date compared to prior Month) Comparisons through yesterday
I use the time period comparisons feature often.
I can compare this month Month to Date compared to last month Month to date.
If today is December 10, then I have data for this month for December 1 - December 9.
DOMO's native Month to Date feature allows me to compare to November. But the comparison includes November 1 - November 10.
DOMO thinks it's comparing Dec 1 - 10 to Nov 1 - 10. But in reality, the comparison is Dec 1 - 9 to Nov 1 - 10, which is not apples to apples, because we only have complete data through yesterday, not today.
Please offer a "Compare to" option to compare Month to Date through yesterday. Thank you.
Add Median to the General Chart Properties
You can use the General Chart Properties to calculate the Default, Sum, Average, etc of your value. This is useful when using a beast mode that is using datediff or something similar, as using the Aggregation of the value iteself doesn't work with the date filters.
Therefore, it would be nice to have the Median calculation added to the General Chart Properties as a way to calculate the Value in the chart.
Date Key in Datasets
It would be great if dataset developers had the ability to tag a column in the dataset as a "date key". In theory downstream when building cards, anytime a user creates a new card, Domo would default to adding this tagged column as the date field.
I feel this would save card builders an infinite amount of time not having to remove, drag, and drop the date columns when building cards.
Static Rank beast mode
When creating multiple ranking tiles in ETL, the performance is significantly slowed and the dataflow takes hours to run, in comparison with less than 1 hour without ranking tiles. Therefore, I would like to be able to use beast modes to create static rankings. Currently, if you use the rank function in a beast mode, the rankings change dynamically when filtering on a particular brand (in my data this is for brand ranking). So, for example, if in the entire universe, brand X has a rank of 5, when I filter on brand X, the rank changes to 1 because it is the only brand in the visual context. So if I want to filter on 5 random brands to see where they rank, the beast mode recalculates the ranks as 1-5, but they may not truly be top 5 brands in the dataset. Since there are a large number of ranking scenarios, I don't want to have to add new ranking tiles to the ETL any time something is requested. It would be much easier to create a static rank beast mode (though I'm not sure how easy it is to create this code).
The fixed function, for example, adds the ability to create a static share of total by using the function in the denominator of the share calculation, so something like this for ranking would be a big improvement.

Option to hide appendix from scheduled reports
The ability to choose to hide or unhide an appendix from dashboard scheduled reports. Also, thinking ahead to Report Builder, the same functionality - hide appendix from reports.
Request Access Button Update
Is there a way to make sure the user knows that they requested access to a card? Right now there is no indication and so they will click it multiple times, meaning we get multiple messages that the same person requested access to the same card. It would be great if the button greyed out or changed to say you already requested access or something.