Color Coding or conditional formatting in DOMO?
I am trying to make a scorecard for budget…etc… Let's say our budget in Jan was $14,418,053 and are actuals were below that. How could I turn that budget red? and vice versa if actuals were above budget it would be green? Is this possible in DOMO yet or are there work arounds. Thanks, Garrett
Have a row displayed with 0/NULL when filtering by date when there's no data
Tried my best to summarize in the question... I have a data set of Google Adwords Data. I'm putting the data into a Pivot table and have campaigns as a Row. I'd like to have every campaign show in the table even when it has no data to report for the selected time frame. It essentially would the the row for the campaign and…
How do we hide/merge duplicate cells in a column in HTML table
Hi Domo team and users, I am using an HTML table for my card, because I need to implement some cell specific conditional formatting (not shown in this screenshot) and only HTML Card works out for this. But while using this visual, there is no option to consolidate the repeating vales in a column. Any insights on this is…
Allow users to collapse/hide columns in table cards
Our clients often ask if they can hide columns displayed on a pivot table. It would be good if there was a collapse button on the column header and if the state was remembered via a cookie or local storage so it remains hidden/shown when they visit the dashboard next time.
Table cards: Expand/Collapse on Multiple Columns
Currently, I can get a single level of expand/collapse functionality on the first column of a table if I add subtotals. I would like to be able to add the expand/collapse button to any columns.
Table Subtotaling
Having an issue when trying to subtotal the time columns. I want to be able to see the total off all the times rather than the count of each row? etg. 00:00:20 + 00:11:57+ 00:05:07… I moved my beast mode into ETL formula to try and get the field to work, but I cant get anything besides 'text' field to work.
Allow ONLY HEADER text to wrap in table card
Please give us a chart property for mega tables to allow ONLY HEADER TEXT to wrap. Allowing the whole thing to wrap can cause uneven sized rows, which is really hard to read. But, a longer header can cause a wider-than-needed column. I've played with setting the column sizes via chart properties, but that can cause headers…
Download Line chart forecast values as an excel or csv
Currently, when I create a line chart forecasting values into the future, I am able to see these values okay on a chart. However, when I try to export the chart in excel/ csv format, the future dates disappear and I can only see the actual values corresponding to historical dates. Will it be possible to download this as an…
Identify percent of people attending current event
I am currently trying to gauge how many consistent event attendees are attending our upcoming show. For context, we have 2 events every year and every registration for an event is on a separate record which I have categorized by year between 2021-2024. I am trying to roll this up into a table that gives us a percentage of…
Creating a Beast Mode to calculate field sums for remainder of year
Hi - I am trying to write a beast mode calculation that sums a field from an as of date until the end of the year. The variable is indexed across the year and want to count how many are left depending on what date is entered. For instance if 1/22/24 was the date it would count all the values indexed for the variable until…
Column borders
The suggestion has already been made, but I want to mock-up how easy it would be to add border styles via the Domo interface. This could be on mega tables, html tables, or simple table. We need some way to darken and thicken borders. Telling us to use bricks or something is like suggesting we go to some other application.…
Displaying up and down periods over time in a chart
We are tracking internet down time at our stores. Basically every 15 minutes we receive a list of all stores that are currently up. I then process that and for every store that was missing in the list I store a record in a dataset with the store and a timestamp. We need to show over a 24 hour time period what stores were…
Option to select which fields will be shown as subtotals in pivot table
When building a pivot table, it is not possible to choose which fields will be summarized as subtotals and which will not, and for each field that is dragged to the rows, a subtotal row is added and this field divided the table's data to segments.
Allow customization of column width without manually entering the width percentage
Currently we can only add a customization to the column width by entering into number as percentages, and use comma to separate out the numbers. However, this doesn't work if I have many column (e.g. 40). It takes too much time to manually enter numbers and commas, and there is no way to check if I have enter the right…
Table Total Row and Beast mode Aggregation
Hi experts, I'm tying to build a table of consumption by subtracting a total on different days. I'm using the lead to get the next value and subtracting the current one: When I able the total row option an error occurs: My first question is why is it happening? My second question is why doesn't the bar chart aggregate the…
How can I display amounts for different months in a table in Domo?
I want each row to contain the amount for the previous month as well as the amount for each of the 5 months prior to that. What is the best way to do this in Domo with a Table chart type?
Is there a way to use DropDown Cards to display text or tables?
Hello! I am trying to allow users to select a dropdown for a data dictionary. The idea is to allow users to select the terms they want to understand, and for a description to populate below. For Example: When the user selects 'Cost per Session' from the dropdown, I want the card to display the definition directly below…
Tool Tip Functionality for Table Viz
We pull our data from SFDC and have opportunity pipeline tables we review weekly. We have long string fields (Next Steps, etc) that I'd like to be able to provide functionality to view but not make part of the table itself since the visual formatting gets messy. If we had tool tips for tables I could add the long text…
How to Create WTD, MTD, QTD, YTD on one Chart
I received a request to create a chart to show KPI with WTD … YTD on a single chart. Image below is the example: The Closest I've gotten is; I created a dimeson that flags the 'WTD' dates as a Y/N, then created a beast mode doing a case statement for when the Date flags are 'Y.' I've done the same for the other KPI, but it…
PDF output large data
exporting to pdf is limited to 800 records. need to be able to export a large table to pdf.
Adding Images to Table Card Using Beast Mode
Can someone help me with the formula to add a different image for each row in a table? I've been using the attached article. I've been able to get an image added, but the same image is in each row. I can't figure out how to get different images to populate in each row, like the sales rep image example in this article.
Why is my beastmode to bring in Salesforce Profile Photos not working?
I'm using the html code referenced in this Domo Article: Our salesforce rep profile photos are being brought in as a url starting with "https" into a user dataset. I'm just not understanding what is wrong with the beastmode that it's not bring up the photo when I place the beastmode as a column on a table: CONCAT('<img…
Is it possible to get customized totals on a pivot table?
I would like to use a pivot table to show some summary information. A key requirement is that the end-user needs to be able to drill down to view the raw data. Here is an example of what I'm trying to do. Below is a screenshot from Excel. To the left is the raw data. The top pivot table is similar to what I am able to set…
Adjust Image size in Pivot Table
Hi everyone, I am facing a problem with adjusting image size by using HTML code in the Pivot table. What I want to achieve is: add an arrow indicator (arrow image, Domo API ) column at the end column of pivot table to indicate the direction of changes. However, when I adjust the size of my arrow image, the HTML code…
Table Export Option: Limit which Columns Export
I recently saw we added an Excel Export option to Table Cards to change the # of rows we allow to export. I think it would also be valuable to be able to enter which columns should be exported. Use Case: We may have a table that provides additional context columns, but is also part of a workstream to export and paste into…
Table card subtotals - allow blank labels
I often use subtotals in mega tables/pivot tables to group child rows together, regardless if I'm aggregating totals or not. I've found that being able to suppress the subtotal label text (e.g., "TOTAL") would make the tables look much cleaner. I don't see a way to complete omit the label so I usually put some small…
Add Table Design Param to Allow Setting of Table Borders Color/Weight
I get a number of requests for sprucing up our tables/visualizations so that they align with our company style guide/colors; including questions on whether Table borders can customized a bit [or removed in some edge cases—to me that woiuld just mean, set them to #FFFFFF if I had that as an option]. Effectively what this…
Correctly show financial information: Show positive sign on Expenses, COGS, Other Expenses.
As a financial dashboard, currently the way that domo display the P&L is incorrect. In the P&L, the table follows the formula: Total Net Income = Income - Cost of Goods Sold - Expenses + Other Income - Other Expenses in the card. However, all the COGS, Expenses and Other Expenses are showing the negative signs which…
Flex Table Improved Customisation
Hi all, I've recently used a Flex Table and was shocked by the few available customisation options. Something as simple as changing my line's colour is seemingly impossible. Improvements that feel essential: Change Header Colour Series Grouping/subtotals Change Line Colour Remove the Area under the line Change…