Displaying 1 to many records in a table

ARosser Member

I have created a custom app for my users to be able to add notes to Invoices that are in collections. The relationship is 1 Invoice to many notes. Initially, my plan was to display the Invoice details in a table card ( Customer, Invoice #, Contact, Invoice Date, Invoiced Amount, Total Due, etc.) and the note data would display in a separate but linked card. Doing this would keep the Invoice data from being duplicated for each note.

Well you know what they say about good intentions. I developed the dashboard and the users have rejected it because they want the note data inline with the invoice data. Is there a way for me to work with the built in functionality of Domo to get the data to look something like this?

We have approx 23k invoices before the notes are add. I know I can create something using the custom app but I really don't want to have to go that route.

Thanks in advance.


Best Answer

  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    Yep! You can use a pivot table chart type and put all the fields as rows except Note which you'll put as Values.

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    Yep! You can use a pivot table chart type and put all the fields as rows except Note which you'll put as Values.

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