How can I scale a line graph to actually show the trend?
Hello I have a line graph of actual # and the full year tracker of our target/stretch goal. This is a sum of all 3 areas and can filter to only show an areas progress. How can I use the scaling to actually show the tend line? Currently it is just a thin narrow straight line that does not show any progress? Thanks, Garrett
Support for second axis on horizontal grouped bar charts
Vertically-oriented grouped bar charts support a second axis, making it easy to include data from two series that have very different values. Horizontally-oriented grouped bar charts inexplicably do not support this functionality. This seems quite silly, since they're the exact same visualization, just turned the other way.
World Map Visual
Hello - I have my data organized by continent and for some reason when I attempt to visualize it in the World Map chart it only populates for Australia. Is there a specific way the data needs to be organized for the chart to populate properly? Any advice welcome!
Filter out happy people
So, that's a strange title… Here's the deal: We have survey data about support tickets. It's pretty basic— just Good, Neutral, and Bad as responses. A person can be interviewed more than once. So, I've been creating a visual of "Sentiment by user". It's a stacked bar graph with the following: X axis: The user's name Y…
Display Range on Multi-Value
Currently, the multi-value gauge can be used to compare two values & display the %change. It will be beneficial if we can add a way to show a range of values like min & max on the multi-values gauge The only way to do this currently is to use a text box & use the concat function on two different values.
bar graphs incorrect visuals
Hi, I am experiencing an issue with Grouped bar graphs. The x-axis is duplicated with the items, despite the data is seen correctly on Data Table (inside analyzer) and also when put on a HTML Table. Using beast mode calc for values. The category column is straight from the dataset.
Drill down from chart view
Is there a way to drill down from a bar chart view without only clicking one of the x axis chart values? For ex: I have an inbound vs outbound bar chart - If I click inbound or outbound bar graph the drill path will take me to a view of each (inbound or outbound) by account - But i am trying to see BOTH Inbound/outbound by…
Show portion total as % without showing other portions
I'd like to know how to take the percentage of a metric without showing other portions - for instance: I have footballs, basketballs, baseballs and lacross balls. If I sold 35 footballs, 25 basketballs, 20 baseballs and 20 lacrosse balls in Q1, in Q2 I sold x footballs, x basketballs etc. I want to see the percentage of…
Flip Fields in Stacked Bar Chart
Not sure why I'm getting the below bar charts to show the 2 stacked values in a different order for each. Top graph shows Call + Slides (blue) on bottom of bar, Bottom graph shows Call + Slides (green) on the top of bar. I've not been able to find anything posted and have not seen any setting in the graph settings to…
Displaying up and down periods over time in a chart
We are tracking internet down time at our stores. Basically every 15 minutes we receive a list of all stores that are currently up. I then process that and for every store that was missing in the list I store a record in a dataset with the store and a timestamp. We need to show over a 24 hour time period what stores were…
Aggregating Numeric Column in a Line Graph over time based on a Different String Column
Hello, this is a continuation of I was wondering how I can show in a line graph for the MAX,MIN, and AVG of a column that is fixed on a different column. More specifically, I want to find the MAX, MIN, and AVG of a 'Completion Percentage' column based on a 'Group_1' column; meaning that I want to show the maximum of the…
Flex Table Improved Customisation
Hi all, I've recently used a Flex Table and was shocked by the few available customisation options. Something as simple as changing my line's colour is seemingly impossible. Improvements that feel essential: Change Header Colour Series Grouping/subtotals Change Line Colour Remove the Area under the line Change…
How to select which Metric should go on Line in a Line + Bar Graph?
I have a chart where one Metric is $ and rest all is Numbers. How do I graph it in a way where the $ shows as Line and other show on Bar graph. (Like how in Excel we do a secondary axis) In the picture below, its taking the 1st one(USB requests) as Line while I want to show the Red Bar as Line with $
Breakdown of Yes or No Values
I am looking to create a graph or table that shows a breakdown of who answered yes and who answered no in a specific state. E.x. in GA 100 people took the survey, 45 answered “Yes” and 55 answered “No” in FL 50 people took the survey, 20 answered “Yes” and 30 answered “No” What graph/table would you use to display this in…
Heatmap in 30 Minute Intervals
I've created a heatmap based on the timestamp of records with the day of week on the Category 1 axis and the hour of day on the Category 2 axis. However, the business is asking for a version that breaks things down into 30 minute intervals. I'm currently using the HOUR function on the timestamp to extract the hour, but I'm…
When uploading a custom chart an option to turn off the colour override
When using the custom chart feature and uploading a new visual to be used, a checkbox to turn off overriding colour would allow for so many more use cases of this feature. If we could create/upload an SVG file ourselves, in the same process, but upload it with the shape colours we want by simply having a checkbox during…
Month over Month % Change Formula
Hello, I'm collecting data from Google Analytics for my company's website. I'm graphing Date to Avg. Session Duration. I need to add a calculated field for Month over month % change. How do I extract months from 'Date' column here. Below is how I calculated Avg. Session Duration & have graphed it. I want to use the MoM% in…
Is there a way to show 0 values in line graphs?
Hello! I am looking for a way to continuously graph data, even when there are 0 values. When creating cards, I see breaks in line graphs when there is NULL data. Any ideas?? Thanks, Keirsten
Best option for YOY comparison showing where we are now to that same period last year?
I am trying to show a comparison for total revenue for where we are now compared to where we were end of February 2021. toying around with different graph options isn't allowing me to slice and dice the way I want. It either is a line graph YOY by month or a progress bar that is using all of Last year and comparing it to…
Period Over Period Waterfall
My idea is for you to introduce a period over period waterfall bar, which allows the user to easily create a waterfall to reveal the drivers of variance between 2 periods.
How to exclude BLANK values in histogram custom bins?
My beast mode calculation is the following: CASE WHEN CEILING(`Flow Velocity (ft/s)`)<= 10 THEN '0-10' WHEN CEILING(`Flow Velocity (ft/s)`)<= 50 THEN '10-50' WHEN CEILING(`Flow Velocity (ft/s)`)<= 100 THEN '50-100' WHEN CEILING(`Flow Velocity (ft/s)`)<= 150 THEN '100-150' ELSE '150+' END I have realised that any BLANK…
Avg Per Hour
I'm trying to use the analyzer tool to get the average number of posts per hour. avg(COUNT(DISTINCT `Permalink URL`) over(partition by HOUR(`Created Time`))) I want to be able to use the following graph where the series is the average. For some reason, when I run the query, nothing comes up on the graph and it turns blank…
Data Labels Font Color
I have some bar/column graphs that I would like to apply data labels with white font, instead of the default text color, for better visibility. Is there any way to do this? Thanks! Jamie H.
Create a card with variance
Hi Dojo Team, I'm new in domo and started to explore it. I need your help while creating a crosstab chart or Table chart like below image. I have three column which inlcude Date, Additions, Depreciation. From all these three column, I want to calcualate variance between two months like below table.…
Graph Display - Suggestions/Comments
Hello, Please see attached screenshots. I have risk & opportunity for 2 different groups, FY18 and MS/DS Prediction. Is there a way I can group these differently to show up in the graph the way I want? I know whe have to take out Risk & Opportunity from the X axis because that is what is currently grouping them. But I…
Summary Gauge enabled for all charts
Just as how the Spark Line and Bar has a gauge to shows the degree of change in a summarised manner, it would be great to be able to enable that feature from 'Chart Properties' across the popular charts. It provides a period-on-period progress snapshot along with showing the trends across the wider period ranges in one…
How to add last year's values to a waterfall graph? (YoY comparison)
Hi, I created a waterafall that shows the flow from opportunities to sales for 2019 and I would like to compare it to the year before. In my data, I have the 2019, 2018 and the difference between these 2 years, which I would like to add at the top or the bottom of the 2019 bar. Any experience/ideas on how to add this…