How to share specific views of a dashboard to different stakeholders
Hi All, I have a dashboard with a couple of cards and with a filter that contains all the Dealers and the region of the dealers...There are different account managers that handle specific regions..So when I share the dashboard with a specific region manager they should be able to see only the data pertaining to their…
Can Links to the Parent Page be Disabled?
If a page has sub-pages, clicking/touching the name of the parent page in the navigation will take you to the parent page. Does anyone know how to disable this link? This is not very usable, especially on mobile, as people often accidentally touch the parent page name on the left-hand side rather than the icon for…
Empty plug in top left
Hi, I'm quite new to DOMO and all the videos online have had a large M logo next to the Domo logo in the top left of the screen. Is this a plug in that I can install? I also don't have the business in a box dashboard although I'm working within a small business account. Thanks
Variable Dates (User Defined) and Status Determination
Hello there. Hoping to find a solution to an issue I am trying to solve. Summary I have a series of time entry compliance dashboards. Data is pulled into Domo via the timesheet app connector. My dashboards highlight compliance, based on 7 hours a work day, categorizing into "Full" or "Partial" or "Zero" The solution I have…
How to create separate filter sets in one dashboard?
I am creating a dashboard that will be divided into two sections and I would like to add separate filters to each section. I can't figure out a way to do this =/ Thank you in advance for your help!
Scheduled Report Limit?
I'm trying to Schedule a Dashboard. It is not on a schedule yet. However, I get the "Edit Scheduled Reports"
Domo Buzz notifications
Hi In Domo Buzz you can start a conversation about a dashboard. But, having tested it, no one who the card is shared with gets told about the conversation unless each individual is @ mentioned in the chat. Is there a setting which alerts all of the people that a measure in the dahboard has been updated? Thanks Ian
Possible to update multiple filtered dashboards
Hello, I currently have a dashboard of about 40+ cards that pulls data from multiple data sources and am wondering if it's possible to create duplicates, with each duplicate having a filter applied (ideally, that can't be unfiltered). Essentially what I'm hoping to do is to be able to just update the dashboard with…
See underlying data sources for a dashboard
**posted in wrong topic but leaving up because of the answer** I'm looking for a quick way to go to a dashboard and then find out which data sources are being used for any of the cards on that dashboard. If that dashboard has something like 20 cards it would be nice to be able to see a list of the data sources used. I know…
See underlying data sources for a dashboard
I'm looking for a quick way to go to a dashboard and then find out which data sources are being used for any of the cards on that dashboard. If that dashboard has something like 20 cards it would be nice to be able to see a list of the data sources used. I know I can go to the data source, and then see which cards it is…
Dashboard question
Hi, I'm new to Domo dashboard and want to know whether there's a way if you click on one bar in the bar chart it will switch the dashboard to a new dataset. Like here if I have a dataset that is the overall of the months(2010-Jan ~2010-Dec), and I have separate dataset with more detailed info about each month.. I want the…
Suppress Sections/Collections on Dashboards
I would like my users to be able to suppress certain cards or collection of cards prior to exporting pages. Some times the users want more details for certain clients, and instead of having multiple pages, some with less cards, and some with more, I thought it would be great if they could just filter on sections, that…
Compressing bar charts (5 across) onto page
I have a request to essentially create an executive dashboard that will display a bunch of charts, primarily bar charts (going back 13 months), 5 across... Below is a screenshot of something that was created in Power BI. Is there a way to do this in Domo....?
Is there a way to suppress sections (collections) in a page/dashboard?
I would like my users to be able to suppress certain cards or collection of cards prior to exporting pages. Some times the users want more details for certain clients, and instead of having multiple pages, some with less data, and some with more, I thought it would be great if they could just filter on sections, that would…
Filter Cards "AND" Behavior
The filter cards default to being an "OR" behavior, i.e. selecting Product A and Product B will result in the page showing all rows of Product A or all rows of Product B. It would be great if you could change that to be an "AND" operation.
Domo and GitHub
Hello All, We have recently bought Domo and they gave us one instance of it.... Trying to see how can we use GitHub and do PR etc to deploy stuff.. Does Domo has something like this to manage deployments. If I have one Page with 5 cards, Can I have production copy of it and somehow get dev version of it to do future…
Possible To Update All Cards On A Dash At Once?
Hi - seeking recommendations on a faster/better way to update datasets and dimensions for all cards on a dashboard. Currently clicking through each card (80+ on one dash) to update to a new dataset, and also to remove a filter. Going to add a dash-level filter once all the card-level filters are removed, but wondering if…
Could we show the last run "date and time" of dataset on Dashboard?
I want to show to my team members and other users, When the dashboard is refreshed last time. Please suggest how I can do it?
Export Dashboard to Excel
Hello, I've built a dashboard with multiple tables - each with unique datasets. How can I export to excel without having to select each table, manually export each table to excel, and then combine in the same excel workbook in excel? Ideally, each table from the dashboard would export to its own tab in the same excel…
Setting Default Datasets for Page-Level Filters
Hello Domo Community, I have a dashboard with page-level filters. The dashboard and the filter views have been shared with my company. I have chosen the Dataset I want the page-level filters to run off of, however, when other users log-in it switches to a different dataset that does not have all of the filters that I want…
Background Image for Stories
Does anyone know the best dimensions to use for background images? I had someone from our Marketing team make us some background images to use but when I went to use them they appeared blurry in Domo. Wondering if there is a set of dimensions that would make it optimal to use on a dashboard.
How to Share Pages without Sharing Data Set?
I've been working on a few Dashboards in Domo that have sensitive data in the underlying data set. The cards I've built have aggregated this data so it isn't identifiable and I've turned the filter options off and locked the page. Therefore, anyone I could share the page with would not be able to filter to the sensitive…
Is there any way to get Embed Id programmatically?
I integrate with DOMO using java SDK and REST API, and I can get dashboard id or card id without any problems. But then I need to embed them on our site. But I see that the iframe for embed that will only use the dashboard/card id mark as deprecated, and now it is necessary to use the iframe with the Embed Id. Please tell…
Course Builder Apps on Dashboards
I've noticed for a while that Course Builder Apps do not seem to work when on a dashboard. I submitted a ticket about a year ago and they told me that it was in the queue to get fixed. Just wondering if anyone has heard any news on this or is experiencing similar issues and may have a temp fix? This is becoming a huge…
Embedded Dashboard with Default Filter View does not display
Embed type = Private Programmatic filtering (i.e. no PDP) We've set up a dashboard with a default Filter View. It works within Domo for our internal users When we publish it using a private embed, the default filter view does not show. Users can still create their own filters using the top filter bar, but we want the…
Duplicate Entire Dashboard
Is there a way to duplicate an entire dashboard with all of its subpages as a new dashboard? When I use "Save As" the new subpages will still link to the old dashboard.
Linkedin Report
Hi Guys, Need your help, Does anyone know which connector I should use for "Linkedin Campaign Reporting". I am specifically looking for the below fields in my DataSet. Campaign Group Name, Campaign Name, Total Spent, Impressions, Clicks, Leads, Cost per Lead, Reach, etc
Display a Card's Quick Filters on Stories (+ Quick Filter Sorting)
I would love to enable a card’s Quick Filters to show up along with the card when designing stories. I often design filters at the story level to replicate the quick filters the user would see if they open a card in full screen, which seems like potentially unnecessary extra work - and in the case that they are based on…
Pivot Table Summary Number is Blank on Dashboard
We're trying to use a pivot table card within a dashboard, just showing the Summary Number to guide users to expand the card to see all pivot table details. However the Summary Number does not display at all. This is the card value we're trying to show This is the end result within the dashboard, along with the Display…
Join based on filter criteria
Table A (Completed Evaluations w/ dates & locations) Table B (Locations Universe, all available locations) Table A has all the same location columns as Table B. Table A also has completed dates and evaluation data, We want to show locations with completed evaluations for a user specified date period (i.e. using a date…