Salesforce Advanced Connector Add New Fields
Ability for the Salesforce Advanced Salesforce connector field options to allow auto adding new fields like the other Salesforce connector.
Surveymonkey Advanced Connector - enhancement request
Please change these to searchable menus - especially the Survey menu. This shows all surveys a user has EVER had access to in Surveymonkey (even if they are closed/removed from access inside surveymonkey.com), and it can take ages to scroll through and find the survey needed for reporting. A searchable list would be ideal…
Which Connector to use to auto update excel files?
I have several excel files that automatically update daily with the same name. I want to get the data to Domo. I was using File Upload Connector, it doesn't update when the excel was updated. (I tried using File upload connect with an excel by deleting and adding several rows, clicked update through setting, but the…
Anyone have experience with creating a Kustomer connector?
It would be nice if Domo had a native connector for Domo. I have no idea why our Customer Service team got rid of Zendesk.
FileMaker data needed to send to DOMO daily
I am working on sending over records from FileMaker each day on a update frequency. I have an API connection between the two sources but am having trouble finding the best possible method to send data to DOMO every 15 minutes. Right now I am using the import method but it will only replace data and not append. As this is…
Dataset via Email Connector Enhancement - Include Sender as System level column
We are using this connector quite a bit in our organization. The biggest pain point for us however is being able to track who sent in a given file. It would be a huge benefit if the Dataset Via Email connector had a system level column in addition to the batch number, date recieved etc that told us what email address sent…
DataSet via Email Connector - Using the Email Address to find the Dataset
Hi All, I have a "DataSet via Email Connector" email address (a1b2c3d4e5f6@example.mail.domo.com), but I don't know what dataset it connects to. How can I find the dataset that the email address belongs to? Thanks
Meltwater Connector Help
Hi All, any helpful tips for connecting to Meltwater data? It already seems like the connector is limited to fetching aggregated results instead of results by earned mention. There is an option to retrieve by "One-Time Export", but this is blank for me. Any help appreciated. Paul
What is the best way to integrate python into a Domo connector?
Is there a preferred way to integrate python into a Domo connector outside of using Jupyter Workspaces?
Building Custom SOAP API
Is anyone able to point me to help on building a custom SOAP API connector
Having issues with authentication in Amazon S3 Writeback connector
when attempting to create a connection to an Amazon S3 bucket I am getting the following error: Failed to authenticate. Verify the credentials and try again. Error making request url:https://api.domo.com/v1/datasets?limit=5&offset=0&sort=name reponseBody:{"status":401,"statusReason":"Internal Server…
Connecting Microsoft forms data into domo.
I have a Microsoft form. I usually download the result of the MS forms in excel form and then start working on it by uploading it to domo via file connector. If it is possible to directly have the Microsoft form data from a particular form available in domo. I have a limitation that I cannot give access to all users for…
Total Rows In Datawarehouse
Hi Experts , I need some inputs on the no of rows showing in Domo DW . It is showing 214 M rows ,I deleted unused datasets ,connectors and limited the no of rows for some datasets . It is still showing as 214M rows ,is there anything I can do to reduce the no of rows ? Also , if you can clarify that if I use Dataset A for…
Email Connector for Weekly Email with Multiple Attachments & Updated Date on Attachment Name
I am trying to set up an email connector that pulls one csv attachment from a weekly email. The email contains 3 attachments, two of which are csv and only one of these is the one I need. Both CSV files contain nearly the same name and the name of the attachments starts with the week of the statement, so it changes weekly.…
Action on Empty Datasets
Empty Datasets cannot have alerts set on them or be added to an ETL. In my case, I am Appending many Github connectors together to see all open issues from the different repositories. I expect the dataset to eventually have data, but I can't add it to the ETL. I also cannot set an Alert to tell me when data appears. I have…
Average RunTime & API Versioning
Average Runtime: It would be great to have an estimated runtime for each connection in DOMO. When using a new connector, it is hard to verify how long it would take for a sample data set to come back before expanding to the time frame required. Versioning: Most APIs have a version number. It would be great when selecting a…
Missing Pagination Query Params for JSON Connector
Hi I am trying to add pagination to a dataset using the JSON Connector. Domo will show a nice preview URL with the pagination query parameters added to the URL, but when I press 'test' and view our server logs, the API call is made without pagination parameters. If I hardcode query parameters under Settings → Data…
Does domostats or governance connector have data points on data flow's input/output storage amount?
Hello - Does domostats or governance connector have data points on data flow's input/output storage amount? For example, xxx MB/KB/GB I highlighted in the screenshot below?
MS SQL Server Connector Error
We have a job that extracts data from SQL through the SQL Server connector. It has been running successfully for a long time but it started failing yesterday. I tried recreating the data connection and let the query only pull data for a few days. It ran successfully. However, after I update the query to pull more data…
Does the Time zone of the date column changes when we connect data from salesforce connector?
When i directly extract data from salesforce the date shows 1st October 2023. When i connect through salesforce connector in domo the date from domo sales force connector shows 30th September 2023. So does the salesforce connector in domo changes the timezone of the date when compared to actual salesforce date?
Issues with Shopify Connector
Hello - I have already raised an issue with Domo support but I wanted to see if the community was also having issues with Shopify in Domo? Are you having issues connecting to Shopify? Do you have any workarounds? I'm sure this issue will be resolved soon, but we're getting ready for BFCM and my stakeholders need sales data!
Stock Price Data Connector
Is there a connector to NYSE/Nasdaq/etc. share prices that doesn't involve hosting a Google sheet or any other additional artifact outside of Domo?
Admin API Access Token
How do I get the Admin API Access Token for Shopify Custom App? I am able to get to the home page of Domo via the Apps in Shopify. Can someone please guide me?
Amazon Connector Error
I'm having trouble updating my dataset using amazon selling partner API. The error is: The report being downloaded was not processed as it returned a status of FATAL so cannot proceed. Here is the configurations of my connector. Any help is appreciated!!!
Customize email address in DataSet via Email Connector
It is very difficult for business users who send emails to the email connector to distinguish between them because the address looks like this: 9998bf3x6bbcf459aae17b40943x968b68@henryscheinone.mail.domo.com Would be huge if the address could be customized to something human readable like:…
New Google Search Ads 360 Connector
Hi all, The Google Search Ads 360 connector was updated on November 1. We need to connect a new account (as it seems the old account connection is now defunct with the update) and it's asking for the Client ID and Client Secret. I vaguely recall needing this when setting up other Google Marketing Platform accounts and I…
I want to host a webinar on how to automate all manual uploads into DOMO
If you find yourself spending an hour or more every week manually tweaking and uploading data to DOMO, I want to help show the DOMO community how automation can help streamline your efforts where a connector or integrations don't exist or resources are not available. If this sounds like something you would be interested in…
I want to host a webinar on how to automate all manual uploads into DOMO
If you find yourself spending an hour or more every week manually tweaking and uploading data to DOMO, I want to help show the DOMO community how automation can help streamline your efforts where a connector or integrations don't exist or resources are not available. If this sounds like something you would be interested in…