Load and Impact on App - Chart count
Hello, I understand we could create dashboards with any number of charts. However, I would like to understand if there is any ideal count of charts to have in a single dashboard in an App? Also, is there any recommended maximum limit of dashboards in a single App (AppStudio)? Will the limits vary from the type of data…
Governance Toolkit
Hi, I am new to the tools within the governance toolkit. I have been doing some research but wondering if anyone has any use cases for, or explanations of the following tools: Dataset Backup: Is this just a safety measure to take before you modify an existing dataset? If so, what would be the difference between this and…
Bring back previous functionality to SAVE AS cards
This menu is proving pretty cumbersome - When I go to "Save as" a card, the pre-filled box in "choose a location" is requiring me to have to delete the text that is pre-filled from the page I'm on, and it has to be fully cleared out before searching for another page via typing (as opposed to using the dropdown menu). If I…
Admin - People - Column Selection + Export
The current view of users displays a myriad of columns, and allows for the selection of which columns you'd like to view. However you cannot save this column selections for future use, nor export based on your selections. Further, the bulk export does not identify Users' roles, but instead their Role ID's, requiring future…
Hi, can someone explain how to access DomoGPT chat box?
Snap to Grid functionality in Magic ETL
Aligning the tiles in magic ETL can become quite cumbersome without any grid or guides for the tiles to line up with. It would be great for the default behavior of tiles to snap to a grid or show guide-lines that signify when tiles are aligned.
Admin Settings Should Only Display for the Admin Role
In the top menu bar (Apps, Dashboards, Alerts, Buzz, Appstore, Data, More), any user above the Participant role is presented with 'Admin' if they are looking under the 'More' tab. This is a misnomer, and one which does not appear to have any control via Grants that I have been able to determine. This can be very confusing…
Can a Sub-Dashboard be changed to a main Dashboard?
I have a Dashboard named "Dashboard 1" which has a sub-dashboard named "Dashboard 2". It is possible to "drag" the sub dashboard out of it's parent Dashboard so it is stand alone? I would like to delete Dashboard 1 and keep Dashboard 2. Any help appreciated! Thanks
Bulk Credential Changes
The simplest use case for this request is when someone leaves the company. Let's say someone owns all of the Salesforce datasets, and they leave the company. There is currently no way to change the credential driving all of those datasets. Even if the functionality arises where the admin can change that ownership, it would…
Admin can't update connector passwords
I recently had to update the password for a connector that was assigned to another team member originally. However, I could not save the new password even though I am an admin. Is there a way to make sure admins can update connector passwords even if they're technically not the owners?
Admin > Content > Dashboard Links
Hey team! Simple thought, but would be a nice to have functionality. When in the Admin > Content > Dashboards (or pages) it would be great if the title of the dashboard could be clicked on or the details would have a link option so that we can access that dashboard from that place. Use case - often time we may be…
Undelete a user
Hi, Is there a way to undelete a user via the admin area or via the API? Thanks
Feature to Allow for "Private" profiles
While I was navigating our Domo External Instance, Profiles / PII of Users were visible to me as I clicked through the Message, Email and Phone icons even as a "Participant". Navigating to the left or right took me to different Users. To ensure compliance at its best, it will be great if a feature to Control(Hide/Display)…
Initial Sandbox Setup
My company is purchasing a second domo instance to implement a dev and prod environment. We want to keep our current instance as the dev instance (sandbox) and make the new instance prod. What are the best practices to prepare and get started for this transition? I think our team is comfortable with the idea of promoting…
Select Default DOMO Font
Not a fan of the new font in DOMO. Make a setting to use different fonts in Admin so we can pick.
Admin > Activity Log -- Need EXCLUDE filter on Person list
Please give us more dynamic filters on this page! I would love to be able to exclude myself from the "Person" menu. I use this all day to make sure users are logging in, accessing content, etc. DomoStats is helpful but I love this real-time data, and I have to constantly scroll through my own activity. I would rather be…
Can I turn over provisioning of new Domo users to my internal IT team to handle it all using Okta?
Hi all- I found these reference links: (appears that provisioning is *NOT* supported) (appears that provisioning *IS* supported) And this forum thread: But it doesn't seem 100% clear to me on whether new Domo user provisioning can be handled totally by Okta without manual steps in Domo for each new user added (outside of…
Multiple instance support for PDP Automation toolkit
When we need to apply PDP rules for some dataset across N instances we need to create N configuration datasets and N jobs for each instance. Configuration dataset may contain additional Instance column and then we could add only 1 job and connect to 1 configuration dataset. All this information could be produced from…
Group Administration
I have a closed group that was created in our instance of Domo. The original owner is no longer with the company. I need to make the person who replaced them the owner of the group. However, even as an instance admin, I do not seem to have the ability to do this. I do not see the "edit" option I see on groups that I am…
DomoStats dataset - DomoEverywhere subscriber instances
I would like a DomoStats dataset listing all my Domo Everywhere subscriber instances/organizations. We can see the list of instances in the UI but can't export them. We can extrapolate a list of instances from other governance datasets (like activity logs), but this would only capture instances with data in those datasets.…
GOVERNANCE Q&A from Domopalooza
The product team enjoyed answering questions from the audience during the final session at Domopalooza. Below you will find the answers to all questions related to Governance (including those that weren't mentioned on stage). Q: How can I copy data between Domo instances? A: You can use Domo's DataSet Copy connector to…
Can't Edit View
I'm a DOMO Admin and there is a DOMO dataset view that I can't edit - I'm getting the message 'you don't have access to edit this view'. The person who created this dataset also gets this message - nobody can edit this view. I created a copy and can edit that view but I need to understand why this message is appearing and…