Drill cards creating unique URLs - Admin cleanup
This is more of an instance governance question than a Builder question: I am going through the list of Cards in Admin > Cards to do some cleanup. I see dozens of cards with the same name as a drill layer I use. It shows me as the only person with access to those cards (which would not be true of the parent card if these…
Where are the Admin features (batch add and export user list)?
I'm looking for best practices on two Admin duties: * How do I batch add users? Right now I have to individually add people 1 by 1. * How do I export my user list? I'd like to get a count of how many people I have in Domo and what their access levels are. As far as I can tell, Domo doesn't let me do the two things above.
Adding user on Domo
Allow us to search for an authorized domain, or at least arrange the domains in alphabetical order. Our instance has about a 100 authorized domains and having to scroll through the random list makes it difficult to look for the domain we want.
Add columns to Admin views
It would be awesome to be able to change the view in Admin pages like Cards and Pages. I would love to be able to add columns to the view like Created Date. Similar to how Windows Explorer lets you choose which columns you see in the view.
Adding Subpages to Company Pages
When adding a new subpage to a parent page, it is very easy to go to the navigation menu and click on Manage Dashboards and then click "Add a sub-Dashboard" under the parent page where I want the new page to exist. However, if the parent page is part of the Company Pages, those pages are not shown in this list. I have to…
Need users to be able to assign members to different roles without modifying role grants
I need my instance_admins (a custom role) to be able to assign users to different roles without having the ability to alter grants to custom roles. It looks like Manage all Roles includes "add user" and "edit grants" which should be separate (like edit group membership vs. edit the group). For our use case: James has the…
Delete Embed Links
Currently the only way to make an Embed link inaccessible is to turn it off. This is leading to clutter in our instance, as users are clicking on the "Embed Dashboard" link under the share button, it creates a new embed item on the management page. We would like the ability to delete embeds on the management page.
ADMIN Rights - Page Filters
It would be helpful if admins were able to see all page filters created on a dashboard. Currently they can only see the global page filters shared with everyone who has access. However as updates to data are made or dashboard design / purposes evolve it is difficult to track the impact and what may be impacted. Overall,…
Beast Mode Manager Switch to New Beast Mode
It would be helpful if we were able to switch all cards and reports that use a beast mode to a new beast mode. There are several instances where a beast mode was not saved to the dataset but rather to a card and then it was saved as numerous times so when we go to the beast mode manager we have "Days Late to RD" 15 -20 on…
Ideas for new features in Domo from AMRO
Hi! We came up with some suggestions for new features in Domo in one of our recent internal discussions, that we would like to share with Dojo members. We think these enhancements could be useful not only to us but other Domo clients too. (if the image is not clear please see the attached excel instead) Really looking…
PDP for Admins
PDP is a critical security feature that prevents unauthorized non-admin users from accessing sensitive datasets. A secondary benefit to PDP however is that it is a great way to curate a dashboard so the user sees a pre-filtered view of only the data that is relevant to them, even if they are authorized to see all of the…
New column for Locked and Unlocked Cards/Pages that can be filtered
When we navigate to Admin--> Pages or Cards Tab we want new colum to be added that can allow us to filter based on locked or unlocked. Currently this can be viewd and vaialble as an icon next to Card or page name. But we want it to be available in seperate column which can be filtered.
Add search & headers under Schedule report History Tab in Admin section
Please add Search and headers in Admin --> Scheduled Report --> History Tab. As it becomes difficult to search or filter for perticular schedules under History Tab
Collapsable Folder Structure
Within each navigation tab "Datasets, Dataflows, ...", allow users to create folders. Similar to favorited filters, but allow for visual collapsing of hierarchies.