Ability in Company Settings to set defaults
Need the ability in Company Settings to set defaults that will make it easier to secure our data. Prevent drilling from card to the dataset by default Enable row-level PDP by default Enable column-level PDP by default Enable locking pages immediately upon creation Enable locking cards immediately upon creation Disable…
Option to allow the "Filter Bar" be visible by default
Hello We have quite a few external embed cards for which we have enabled the "Filter Bar" in the embed options, but the users would still have to click the "Filter" button to see the actual Filter Bar. I suggest/request to introduce an option within the embed options that shows the full "Filter Bar", not just the Filter…
Domo Variables postMessage Enhancement
Similar to the current jsonRPC postMessages events sent from an embedded dashboard to the parent, that are listed below: "/v1/onDrill" "/v1/onFrameSizeChange" "/v1/onFiltersChange" Example from Domo repo I'd like to request that events be sent for variable updates in the embed. We're currently using onFiltersChange to…
Filter Request from Custom Domo App
Hi everyone, I am currently working on a custom Domo app using React, and I'm trying to develop an interactive filter app. I've researched the domo.js library and found that it mainly provides functionality for managing and operating datasets, users, groups, etc., in Domo. However, it doesn't seem to be suited for sending…
Color Rules Help
Hi Everyone, Can I ask if it is feasible to create a color rule in DOMO that highlights values in green if they meet or surpass the objective and red if they do not meet the target? Thank you!
Clear Filters as an available action on buttons in Domo Apps
We have a page with historic data and users can apply a bunch of filters on them. They are asking if we could have a button with the clear filters options instead of going to the controls menu on the app. They say it feels more natural just to click one button in the same page that going thru all the filter to clear them…
Beast Mode row highlight
Is it possible to highlight the entire row for a category in a pivot table in DOMO? In the above table I want the category 'c' and 'f' rows to be highlighted as they are the categories with the highest value in each type
Has anyone gotten replacement variables to work with the ODBC connector on a consistent basis
I am trying to utilize replacement variables on ODBC connector queries to move towards incremental APPEND queries instead of REPLACE queries. However, it is taking multiple attempts to get the workbench to save the replacement variable. Without saving it, I keep getting "Replacement parameter does not exist for column XXX"…
Workbench Enterprise - Any experience with it.
Has any one had any real experience with Workbench Enterprise? When I saw it on an presentation I was very excited about as I thought that I would be able to control our existing workbench set-ups via the web. Due to IT's concerns (don't get me started on that) I cannot control one of my Workbench PCs remotely, so being…
Can we Pull Week of the Month?
Hi There, I need week number of the month, as in Domo I don't find any inbuilt function for this like WEEKOFYEAR. For Instance : Spend for week 31 (July 28 to August 3) is $100, I want two rows coming under each month and the week for july should be 5 and its spend of only july dates and for august Week should be 1 and has…
Domo Connector trap errors
I have created a connector which works fine in Dev and has no problems when creating a dataset from Dev - however when I publish it I get error 'An error occurred during processing: Domo is ready, but the script has errors: "SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0"; at line number 7; ' There is no problem…
how can I link a dataset to all the tables in a database - using a SQL federated connection
If I have a valid federated connection - that I can browse all the tables - how do I link a dataset to all the tables? (I've done it once apparently - but now I can't figure out how to do it again)? Every option I come up without only lets me select one table at time - and that can't be right… I've got o be doing something…
Unable to add a control to the dashboard
Hi I created a variable and implemented it at the card level where it behaves as required. However when I try to add it to the dashboard via the adding controls icon, I get the message "Add a Variable to a Card on this Page to add a control here". I have already added the card there. When I go the edit mode for that card,…
DomoStats Cards Dataset
Hello, We have a script running on the background that updates the ownership of content if a user has left our company. We are using DomoStats datasets to figure out what content that user had so that we know what to update. However, the Cards dataset from DomoStats does not contain a column for Owner (Pages, Dataflows and…
Account transfer from Regular to Key Pair
Is it possible to mass transfer Datasets from a regular Snowflake Connection account to a Key Pair connector account?
How can I avoid denominator should not get filtered while calculating the percentage in beast mode
Hi, I have a column name 'Order' with 1 to 6 values in it. I need to calculate the percentage of order 1 and show this percentage on a card in the dashboard. This percentage should change dynamically when the data gets refreshed. I am taking unique count of orders having 1 divide by total count of orders. when i am…
Templated ETLs
I would love to be able to create an ETL and save that to use in other flows. A "save as template" button would be amazing. It would only save the tiles, not the columns, so you wouldn't have to delete everything before you start. We use recursive dataflows a lot, so it would be amazing if I could save that flow, and then…
Impersonate another user
Can you provide an option to impersonate another user's profile using admin account. Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to access and view another user's account, such as a customer's account, in order to troubleshoot issues they may be experiencing, even if they have been granted the necessary access.…
Who is the publisher for the Cloudability v3 Connector?
Anyone know how to determine the owner of a connector. I'd like to reach out to them about enhancements. Thanks.
Report not saving after bringing in a calculated field within a table but saving fine before it
Hi I am running into a unique issue where I have created 3 calculated fields called PCT AD Cost Dollars (SUM(AdCostDollars)/ SUM(SUM(AdCostDollars)) Over(PARTITION BY MarketingEffortYear) PCT Marketing Demand Dollars (SUM(MarketingDemandDollars)/ SUM(SUM(MarketingDemandDollars)) Over(PARTITION BY MarketingEffortYear)…
need sharing button on embedded App Studio
There is no sharing button on the embedded App Studio app/cards. Why? This is a deal breaker for my company. I built an app with 4 pages in the App Studio only to find out that there is no way to share the embedded cards at all. Then what's the point of the embedded app if it cannot be shared? Very frustrating. Sharing is…
Toolkit - User Management Help link broken
Hi. When trying to get information about user management configuration from the toolkit link (Help), it's shows an "Access denied" message. This was working until last week at least. Does anywone experiencing the same issue? link: Result: Thanks in advance
Converting Variables to pass to AppDb
@GrantSmith I have a feeling you will know the answer to this. I have a new workflow that will be used by multiple custom apps to create new tasks in a 3rd party system. The workflow is triggered by the submit button on the custom app which then is able to pass everything that will be needed to make the API call and all…
Workflow Configuration
We just got workflows enabled in our instance and I'm trying to test it out. I've found a lot of videos about workflows and what they are, but not much on how to configure them. What I was going to test out was a use case example I heard in one of the videos: look for users who haven't logged into Domo in X amount of days…
Google analytics connector does not work properly
I am trying to use the Google Analytics connector to extract the data but it always give me the error message saying ' Domo is ready, but Domo received an error requesting the data. (Bad/Malformed Request). This account has no profiles.', does anyone know what's the reason for it
Is there a way to embed a Google Maps view in Domo?
I'm trying to map customer data in Google Maps and have that visible in Domo. Currently, all the domo app solutions don't appear to have the same views that you would have if you plotted the same information in Google Maps, so we are hoping there is an embed possibility.
Cloud Amplifier grants
Hi, Cloud Amplifier requires Manage Cloud accounts. We’d like to request the enhancement to split this grant into 2: Create cloud accounts Manage All Cloud Accounts So, we could assign more granular grants to our end users who could create the Cloud Accounts but not manage all of them. Does it make sense? Thank you,…
Hyperlink in default drill path table?
Hey guys I am running into a weird issue when I try to include my hyperlink column into my default drill table. Normally I create a beastmode to hyperlink account names that will take you to the corresponding Salesforce record. This is how it looks if I create a normal table card (blurred most out for privacy) you can see…
Domo Office Add-In - Relative Date Filters
Hi, the legacy version of the plug-in that our users are widely used to had the ability to do relative date filtering. Unfortunately, the new version does not include this functionality and is hindering our effort to get users to upgrade. Please enhance the new add-in by adding relative date filtering.
Pivot Table Grand Total
When I add the "Total Row" to a pivot table, it does not always show the "Grand Total". If the column has an aggregation applied, then the Grand Total shows the aggregation (Average, Maximum, Minimum, etc.) instead of a Total. Is there a way to show the actual "Grand Total" (aka the sum of the values) rather than the…