Bar Chart Selection Not Filtering Data Card

Hoping someone can help me on this one.

I've got a dashboard (below) where I have two charts, one that looks at data across all time, then one to its right that focuses on last 4 weeks.

Then I have a detail table below to show results.

When the right weekly chart has results that display at least 2 bars, either bar becomes selectable such that I can have the detail table refresh with that weeks data.

When the right weekly chart only has results for 1 bar (one of the last 4 weeks), then that bar is not selectable to refresh the detail table.

Any idea why that is working that way? Very frustrating.

Thank you!


Best Answer

  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    Ah, thank you for that additional information. I mocked up a page and can confirm that I am seeing the same behavior. When the bar chart on the right has more than one week then I can click on the axis and filter the page to that week. However, when there is only one week showing then clicking on the axis no longer filters the page, the only exception is that I can click on an item on the bar like "On Demand" in your example and then it filters to "On Demand" and also the week too.

    It sounds like you will need to make a feature request to Domo to have this functionality added.


  • In your example, are the segments in your By Week card (Live, On Demand, etc) equivalent to the Business Group that's highlighted or the Pres_Name filter that's highlighted?

  • ggenovese - thank you much for looking at.

    the reason i blocked those out was for confidentiality reasons and no other.

    But for the screen show, I did a filter to see how many events matched a Presentation Name criteria. This found 17 such events in the full dataset.

    The by Week card then displays only the events within the last 4 weeks, for which only 1 week had events - 4 of them.

    If I wanted the Presentations by Business Group card show only those 4 from that one week, I feel like I should be able to select that Week in the X axis of the by week bar chart to then filter the 17 to the 4.

    IF there are multiple weeks with event data, the X axis labels for each week ARE clickable and filterable. But when only one bar exists, they are not.

  • ggenovese
    ggenovese Coach
    Answer ✓

    Ah, thank you for that additional information. I mocked up a page and can confirm that I am seeing the same behavior. When the bar chart on the right has more than one week then I can click on the axis and filter the page to that week. However, when there is only one week showing then clicking on the axis no longer filters the page, the only exception is that I can click on an item on the bar like "On Demand" in your example and then it filters to "On Demand" and also the week too.

    It sounds like you will need to make a feature request to Domo to have this functionality added.

  • Thank you ggenovese! will do.