Values in between dashes

What is the best way to individually parse out a string like this?


want the following:




Open to use either Magic ETL or BM.


Best Answer

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    If you have a known number of items to extract, using the SPLIT_PART function multiple times is the easiest way to go (i.e. SPLIT_PART(string,'-',1) for the first item, SPLIT_PART(string,'-',2) for the item before the 2nd dash, etc.

    If you have an unknown number of dashes, this method will allow you to handle it dynamically.

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  • david_cunningham
    edited July 2024

    Are you saying that you want each value in it's own row? If you want in a unique column, you could use the Split Column Tile.

    If you want each in it's own row, you would need to first split into columns and then use the unpivot tile to convert to row format.

    David Cunningham

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  • I decided to use SPLIT_PART( String, '-', 1) for the first number and same formula for the other two by modifying the last field number.

  • MarkSnodgrass
    Answer ✓

    If you have a known number of items to extract, using the SPLIT_PART function multiple times is the easiest way to go (i.e. SPLIT_PART(string,'-',1) for the first item, SPLIT_PART(string,'-',2) for the item before the 2nd dash, etc.

    If you have an unknown number of dashes, this method will allow you to handle it dynamically.

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