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Cards, Dashboards, Stories

Help! How to design summary number for this case?

Here is my map card. in summary number area, I show the top 5 provinces parcel %.

Synchronizing with the map, below is the filters.

when there is none of the filters selected, the summary number on the map is correct.

when there is any of the filters selected, the summary number on the map is incorrect.

below is my design for summary number on beast mode.

Top5省份包裹数 means top5 provinces parcel quantity

快递单号 means parcel / express ID

By SQL data transformation, I added some fields as column for each line of raw data. the fields are 'By Province包裹数‘ , ‘Rank’, 'Top5省份包裹数'.

By Province包裹数 means the total parcel quantity for each province

Top5省份包裹数 means the total parcel quantity for top 5 provinces. when the province of the line of data ranks in total parcel quantity within 5, there is total parcel quantity filled up with the line of data, if not, 0 is filled up with.

So, here is my current design.

my question is, when there is filters selected for the map chart, how can I design to show the right summary number? for examples, to select by store or by time period is the very common business scenarios.

could you please help and give some ideas? thank you very much!


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  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Got it. Unfortunately, there is not a native function in Domo that can produce the top N analysis that you are trying to accomplish. However, I believe you are able to achieve this by coding a Python script in the ETL that can dynamically adjust the summary number at the card level after filters have been applied. Please see the Python script below for an example:

    1. # Import the domomagic package into the script
    2. from domomagic import *
    4. # Read data from inputs into a data frame
    5. input1 = read_dataframe('NAME OF ETL TILE PRECEDING THIS PYTHON TILE')
    7. # Function to calculate top N provinces based on parcel quantity
    8. def calculate_top_n_provinces(df, N=5):
    10. # Group by province and calculate the total parcel quantity for each province
    11. province_totals = df.groupby('Province包裹数')['快递单号'].count().reset_index()
    12. province_totals.columns = ['Province包裹数', 'TotalParcels']

    14. # Sort by total parcel quantity in descending order and get the top N provinces
    15. top_n_provinces = province_totals.sort_values(by='TotalParcels', ascending=False).head(N)

    17. return top_n_provinces
    19. # Function to calculate summary numbers for top N provinces
    20. def calculate_summary_numbers(df, top_n_provinces):
    22. # Filter the input data frame to include only rows from the top N provinces
    23. filtered_df = df[df['Province包裹数'].isin(top_n_provinces['Province包裹数'])]

    25. # Calculate the summary number, which is the total parcel quantity for top N provinces
    26. summary_number = filtered_df['快递单号'].count()

    27. return summary_number
    29. # Get the top 5 provinces based on parcel quantity
    30. top_5_provinces = calculate_top_n_provinces(input1, N=5)
    32. # Calculate the summary number for the top 5 provinces
    33. summary_number = calculate_summary_numbers(input1, top_5_provinces)
    35. # Add the summary number to the data frame for visualization purposes
    36. input1['Top5省份包裹数'] = summary_number
    38. # Write the data frame so it's available to the next action
    39. write_dataframe(input1)

    This logic should produce the dynamic calculation logic you are looking for in the summary number of this heat map card, even after when filters are applied.


  • Contributor

    Are you trying to create a dynamic Beast Mode calculation that adjusts based on the filters applied to your dashboard, ensuring the summary number reflects the top 5 provinces' parcel quantities under those conditions? Or are you looking for a static calculation that consistently shows the top 5 provinces' parcel quantities, regardless of any filters applied? There could be a few different solutions depending on whether you need the summary number to update dynamically with filtering or remain constant.

  • @Jonathan53891 the dynamic one. Can you pls help? thank you!

  • Contributor
    Answer ✓

    Got it. Unfortunately, there is not a native function in Domo that can produce the top N analysis that you are trying to accomplish. However, I believe you are able to achieve this by coding a Python script in the ETL that can dynamically adjust the summary number at the card level after filters have been applied. Please see the Python script below for an example:

    1. # Import the domomagic package into the script
    2. from domomagic import *
    4. # Read data from inputs into a data frame
    5. input1 = read_dataframe('NAME OF ETL TILE PRECEDING THIS PYTHON TILE')
    7. # Function to calculate top N provinces based on parcel quantity
    8. def calculate_top_n_provinces(df, N=5):
    10. # Group by province and calculate the total parcel quantity for each province
    11. province_totals = df.groupby('Province包裹数')['快递单号'].count().reset_index()
    12. province_totals.columns = ['Province包裹数', 'TotalParcels']

    14. # Sort by total parcel quantity in descending order and get the top N provinces
    15. top_n_provinces = province_totals.sort_values(by='TotalParcels', ascending=False).head(N)

    17. return top_n_provinces
    19. # Function to calculate summary numbers for top N provinces
    20. def calculate_summary_numbers(df, top_n_provinces):
    22. # Filter the input data frame to include only rows from the top N provinces
    23. filtered_df = df[df['Province包裹数'].isin(top_n_provinces['Province包裹数'])]

    25. # Calculate the summary number, which is the total parcel quantity for top N provinces
    26. summary_number = filtered_df['快递单号'].count()

    27. return summary_number
    29. # Get the top 5 provinces based on parcel quantity
    30. top_5_provinces = calculate_top_n_provinces(input1, N=5)
    32. # Calculate the summary number for the top 5 provinces
    33. summary_number = calculate_summary_numbers(input1, top_5_provinces)
    35. # Add the summary number to the data frame for visualization purposes
    36. input1['Top5省份包裹数'] = summary_number
    38. # Write the data frame so it's available to the next action
    39. write_dataframe(input1)

    This logic should produce the dynamic calculation logic you are looking for in the summary number of this heat map card, even after when filters are applied.

  • so great!!! I need time to digesting all of these above. thank you very much. you are such a great man!


  • Contributor

    My pleasure! Always more than happy to help!


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