In the Activity Log - What is a Container View?

I have someone in an instance with thousands of action every day at the same times.

Action = CREATED


I checked the object names and found that they are cards. It appears that this has something to do with the page's scheduled report, but It's only got a few of the cards reporting this behavior. I checked the math on the number of recipients of the scheduled report and the number of objects generating container views, and the math works out.

But what makes these cards generate these actions, when nothing else on the page does and other scheduled reports don't generate this activity?

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  • ColemenWilson
    Answer ✓

    There is an idea that @MichelleH posted last year to provide documentation on activity log events/actions. I would suggest others go upvote! This is a huge need for observability and something that should be a relatively easy lift for Domo. @BenSchein

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  • DataMaven
    DataMaven Coach
    edited May 2024

    @ColemenWilson - I upvoted that baby and commented already. It is SO needed. I actually have a dashboard of all of the issues I have found in the activity log, as well as unclear activity. I provided it to Domo via support, and it went nowhere. (Not Ben's fault. It didn't even get to him. I was trying to use the correct process and have hope that it would go well, as directed by my client.)

    At the VERY least, there needs to be someone who can tell us what things are and investigate what generates certain behavior. In a perfect world, there should be a way for us to help make it better. The Activity Log just keeps getting more and more time-consuming to interpret and build workarounds for. Each of us doing this individually is massively inefficient.

    I would build an app in the appstore, but they can't be updated and the activity log rules and content changes too frequently.

    Breaking Down Silos - Building Bridges
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