User is not member of 'Domo Workbench Users' group

We're getting this error

User is not member of 'Domo Workbench Users' group

Is this something new with workbench? How can we fix this? We're trying to import a backup file.

Thank you


Best Answer

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    It's a permissions based issue. You need to make sure the user is part of the Windows group "Domo Workbench Users" on the actual windows machine where workbench is hosted.

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  • @Jarren What steps did the user take before getting the error? I have not seen this error before, but I suggest checking whether the user has the "Download Workbench" grant.

  • Yup - they have the grant

  • GrantSmith
    GrantSmith Coach
    Answer ✓

    It's a permissions based issue. You need to make sure the user is part of the Windows group "Domo Workbench Users" on the actual windows machine where workbench is hosted.

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  • Jarren
    Jarren Member
    edited September 2023

    @GrantSmith could you break that down Barney style for me? We're seeing access in the users and groups on the server machine. Is that what you're referring to?

  • rado98
    rado98 Contributor


    Were you able to sort this out? We are having the same issue.

  • It seems several users are having issues with the workbench group error. I'd recommend logging a ticket with Domo support so they're aware of all of the users reporting this issue and to assist.

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  • @rado98

    Make sure you run workbench as an administrator and you're logged in using the same user who created the backup file.

    An issue we ran into after doing this is workbench duplicated our datasets. The solution to fix this is to map the duplicate datasets to your original datasets.

    To map your datasets, you'll navigate to the Overview tab, open the Domo Details section, click the browse button, then select the original dataset.

    We've reported this oddity to DOMO support who eventually said this was a known issue and they're working on a solution. For those clients who are using the consumption model though, I can see this becoming an expensive issue.

  • rado98
    rado98 Contributor

    Thanks for the tips, I run into that duplication issue a while ago so I am mindful of it every time I import a job individually.

    So far I have not had that issue using the newer whole Workbench Backup feature.

    If anyone reading this needs a reference to another Impersonation issue and fix, this was my post about it: