Using Juptyer Workspace with domo


I'm looking for help to create a Juptyterworkspace because i can't find the button the create a workspace. what are the parameters needed?

Best regards

Best Answer

  • michiko
    michiko Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You need Jupyter Worspace to be enabled in your instance ( Speak to your CSM - I think it is a paid feature ). The button to create a NEW WORKSPACE is located on the top right-hand corner.

    If it is not enabled, this is what you will see :(


  • michiko
    michiko Contributor
    Answer ✓

    You need Jupyter Worspace to be enabled in your instance ( Speak to your CSM - I think it is a paid feature ). The button to create a NEW WORKSPACE is located on the top right-hand corner.

    If it is not enabled, this is what you will see :(