Export to PDF error - images

I have a dashboard that displays information with a field containing a person's id. On one of the cards, I display an image of the person. The card uses an html table to display the person by calling an image url. When I try to export the dashboard to PDF, the export fails.

If there any way to tell Domo to ignore a card when exporting? Or, is there another way to efficiently sync an image to my data based on a field?

CONCAT('<div style="text-align:center"><img alt="DOWN" height="170px" src=','"{image url}',`{user id}`,'.png"','>','</div>','/n','<div><a href="#"','"target="_blank">',`{user name}`,'</a></div>')

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  • Jessica
    Jessica Contributor

    It depends on if you need the export done as a page where DOMO will randomly display more than one card per page or if you are ok with 1 card 1 page? If that meets your needs you can select Publish as a Slideshow and you have the ability to exclude cards there and then download to PowerPoint.

  • Thanks for the comment. I have since removed the photo from the dashboard. Our need was for pdf or graphic output, not Powerpoint. My guess is that if it failed to export on PDF, it would probably fail on PowerPoint as well.

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  • @ArborRose Have you tested whether it will work when exporting to PowerPoint? If that works, you could always re-save the PPT as a PDF once it's downloaded.

  • I had not tested with Powerpoint. After responding to Jessica's comment, I created a new image card using the code I pasted in this conversation. It worked. I re-tested export as PDF and it worked as well. Then I saw that I still had the original profile image card so I put it back onto the original dashboard..and it also worked.

    In summary, exporting the images to pdf without problem now. Possibly a code fix, I don't know. I appreciate the comments and that it is now working. Now if I could just figure out how to mark this post as answered. :P

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