

Add Time to Datetime

I have two columns `timePlaced` is a datetime, while `timeEstimate` is an integer that represents minuets. Using the below beast mode I am able to convert `timeEstimate` to minuets, ex 10 turns to 00:10:00.


When I try to add it to `timePlaced` using the fowling beast mode I get null values.


I have used variations including wrapping the entire formula in TIME(), using "+" instead of ADDTIME(), but none return the correct value. Is there a specific syntax or function needed to add duration to a time value?

Sample image of card below:



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Best Answer

  • Answer ✓

    Try just the following:

    1. ADDTIME('timeplaced','timeEstimate'*60)

    AddTIME expects the first parameter to actually be a datetime value, so no need for you to convert anything there. It expects the second parameter to be in seconds, which is why I am multiplying your minute number by 60.

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  • Try this:

    DATE_ADD(`timePlaced`, INTERVAL `timeEstimate` MINUTES)

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  • Answer ✓

    Try just the following:

    1. ADDTIME('timeplaced','timeEstimate'*60)

    AddTIME expects the first parameter to actually be a datetime value, so no need for you to convert anything there. It expects the second parameter to be in seconds, which is why I am multiplying your minute number by 60.

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  • Ah, I was over complicating my formula, goof time know ADD_TIME uses datetime not time values only.



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