Embed Cards

I am working on a Weekly Update for my team, it will include updates on how our section is performing. I am looking at using HTML for the update and Embed cards from Domo to show how we are performing. Problem I have is I have to manually enter login credentials for every card. How can I store my username and password so the cards appear straight away without the need for entering Login Credentials.


Attached is an example where I have embeded 4 cards, each card wants login credentials.


Many Thanks


Simon Gillham


  • guitarhero23
    guitarhero23 Contributor

    Would that page end up being on an actual web page? (just wondering since now it's just in a local file).


    You could setup single sign on to achieve this. I'm not sure of what other way might exist.

    **Make sure to like any users posts that helped you and accept the ones who solved your issue.**
  • It will be just a local file, as it will be sent to internal employees only.

  • Hi, does anyone have any opinions on this?

  • smurray
    smurray Domo Employee

    How did you setup the Embed cards? Are they set to Public or Private? It would have to be set to Public to achieve the desired outcomes. 


    I am sure you have already look at the Knowledgebase article, but just in case you haven't here is the link:

    As for your question, there is not a way to store a username and password, nor should you want to. It opens a huge security risk.
    I hope this helps.
  • Would setting the embedded card to PUBLIC provide access to users outside of the company?  I have an embedded card on a SharePoint site that is set to PRIVATE and is only for internal use.  However, not all users have DOMO licenses and just need to view the data visualization.  I don't want to compromise the security of the information.