how do i connect my mysql db using ssh tunnel?


how do i connect my mysql db using ssh tunnel?


My mysql db is hosted on AWS - but it sits in a private network and can be accessed through my EC2 server that sits in a public network. 


The way we access it today through Mysql is through SSH connection. And when we use tableau - we use SSH tunnel. 


We would like to move to Domo as asap and throw away Tableau - but having a hard time connecting right now.

Best Answer

  • kamuela
    kamuela Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @sharad We have a specific connector for MySQL SSH connections.  It currently isn't customer facing, but if you would like access to it contact Domo support and they should be able to help you.




    I am no longer with Domo. Please @mention @Millhouse for connector specific questions.


  • kamuela
    kamuela Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    @sharad We have a specific connector for MySQL SSH connections.  It currently isn't customer facing, but if you would like access to it contact Domo support and they should be able to help you.




    I am no longer with Domo. Please @mention @Millhouse for connector specific questions.
  • sharad

    Thanks Sam. Let me reach out to them and see what happens.

  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @sharad, please keep us updated!

  • sharad

    Yeah - so they gave me the connections and we are all set. Thanks so much.

  • jwklover

    Using SSH for your MySQL connection and Domo making a VPN connection are two different problems.


    How did Domo make the VPN connection to your private AWS Cloud?  Is there a property panel where you enter VPN connection information to establish the private network connectivity first?