Alert when new item appears

Chips Domo Employee

Is there a way to set an alert to notify users when a new item appears. Our use case:


Would like to notify user when a sales opportunity that meets a certain threshold is won, and specifically would like the notification to send the name of the opportunity to the user in their alert.


You asked us to let you know when an opportunity above $1,000 in margin closed, Opp XYZ just closed for $XX,XXX in the West region. 

Domo Consultant

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  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    Hi all,


    Can anybody help @Chips with their question?


  • MitchyMitch8
    MitchyMitch8 Domo Employee

    @Chips love this^. For the opportunity scenario, I set my alert to fire everytime sales increases by 1, so it fires any time a new deal closes. Not sure if that works for your use case or not...




    @mdelorey and team are working on the ability to customize your alert messages and add custom fields like opportunity owner, account name, amount, etc. 


  • mdelorey
    mdelorey Domo Employee

    @MitchyMitch8: I actually wrote a dataflow last week that can do this. I'll post it later on tonight.

    Retired Domo Alum
  • mdelorey
    mdelorey Domo Employee

    Ok so I've been looking for ways to just identify new records when a dataset refreshes. In order for this dataflow to work, your dataset must have a primary key or some unique identifier.




    Setup steps:

    1. Set up a Magic ETL dataflow that simple takes your dataset as an input and have it send the rows to an output dataset (top row of the screenshot). Save and run your dataflow.
    2. Reload Magic ETL builder after your dataflow has finished running. The dataset that was output by your dataflow will now be available as an input.

    Essentially what you've done here is created snapshot versions of your dataset. You want the old version and the new. When the dataflow runs, it grabs the version of your data as it exists before it refreshed so now we can create a dataflow that diffs out new records.


    Here are the next steps:

    1. Input dataset: Select the dataset output from your dataflow above.
    2. Select columns: Just select the primary key/unique identifier from your dataset.
    3. Add constants: Add a new column that you can use to filter later. I named mine Exists Previous Version and set the type to Whole Number with a value of 1.
    4. Join data: This is where things get fun and exciting. Select your original dataset on the left (in this case, a Google sheet) and the data coming out of step #3 on the right of the Join data step and select a Left Outer Join. This will add an additional column (from step #3) to any record in the current version that was also in the previous version. You can stop here if you just want to filter cards on the Exists Previous Version field.

    Optional steps to output a dataset that only contains new records:

    1. Filter rows: Filter where Exists Previous Version is null.
    2. (optional) Select Columns: I use this step to remove the additional primary key column created by the Join data step.
    3. Output dataset: Name your dataset that will only contain new records during the refresh.

    Now that you have a dataset with only new records, you can set alerts on them!

    Retired Domo Alum
  • mdelorey
    mdelorey Domo Employee

    @Chips: The second part of your request was to be able to use information about the new records in the alert message (e.g. Amount, Oppty Name, Region). As the product manager for alerts, I can tell you that we're currently designing some new features related to alert context. Can I put you down as an interested usability/beta tester?


    I may also have a workaround you can use very soon. I'll keep you posted.

    Retired Domo Alum
  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @Chips, did any of the above replies help you out?

  • user006317

    Hi, is there any updates on the functionality of editing alter context? For example, if I set up an alert to send me an email if count increases by one, can the email show me the new record that was added?



  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @user006317, please feel free to open up a new thread for better exposure ? 


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