

Total not showing in drill down cards

I have the following card and the Summary Number will not work on the drill down - none of the funtions will work - see card


thanks Helen


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  • Contributor

    Hi all,


    Can anybody help @HelenOBrien out?


  • Helen,


    The community would need a screen shot to assist here as anyone outside of your company will not be able to access the link you provided.




  • Domo Employee

    I have been able to replicate the problem, and this appears to be a bug. I have informed our Development team about this issue.

    Thank you for your valuable feedback,
    Andrew N.
    Domo Support

  • Domo Employee


    I followed up with Development on this case. The card needs to be re-created along with the drill-paths in order to solve this problem.

    Thank you,
    Andrew Nemrow

  • Contributor

    @HelenOBrien, tagging you to see andrewnemrow's latest reply.

  • Domo Employee

    @kshah008  I think this is in the wrong section, it doesn't seem related to Workbench.

    Alex Peay
    Product Manager
  • Is this more appropriate for card building or another topic? Please let us know so we can move it.


  • Domo Employee

    I think that card building would be a better topic. This way if others run into the same problem building cards they are more likely to find it.

    Alex Peay
    Product Manager
  • Domo Employee

    This is an issue with the Card Builder. The problem is unrelated to Workbench.

  • Contributor

    I've moved this to Card Building.

This discussion has been closed.