KPI Card Update


I have my data set to upload into the data center every half hour. How do i set my KPI card to update at the same frequency?


  • Shevy
    Shevy Contributor
    If your card is set to that data source, then it will refresh everytime the data is loaded. What issues are you seeing? If you are combining data using that data source. then you need to be sure you set the data flow to refresh each time the new data is imported. The cards will always point to the most current data.
    Dojo Community Member
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  • Wallyman

    I have the card set to my data source, it is not refreshing the card when the data is refreshed. I just ran a test and it did not update the card, but the data shows the most recent update.


    Any suggestions? I am new to this aspect of DOMO, any help is greatly appreciated.


    Thank you 

  • Shevy
    Shevy Contributor
    I have not seen that - I would open a DOMO support ticket - that sounds like an issue with your instance or connection. The whole DOMO philosophy is on auto refresh!
    Dojo Community Member
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  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @Wallyman, did any of the above replies help you out?