Heatmapping by values per column

I have noticed in the Heatmap cards, the highest number in the card is given the darkest hue (and the lowest number is the lightest).  When you have a card with one extremely high value (and all other values are very low), it renders all the other numbers opaque.


Can there be an enhancement where the user is given the option to heatmap by column (i.e., the highest number in the column gets the darkest hue, and the lowest number in the column gets the lightest hue)?


Can there also be the option to reverse the heatmap (i.e., the lowest value is the darkest, highest is lightest etc.)?




  • DavisBreedlove
    DavisBreedlove Domo Employee

    Thank you for the suggestion, which is a great idea! We currently do not have such an offering. Please visit the Dojo Ideas Exchange http://dojo.domo.com/t5/Ideas-Exchange-suggest-and-vote/idb-p/Ideas. You can search existing ideas and then vote for it if it matches what you have in mind. If you cannot find it, please create a new Idea which can then be voted on by your fellow Dojo members by clicking the white arrow next to the idea.

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  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @dcambria, as suggested, please feel free to add this to our "Ideas" section!

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