Can I set up a notification/Alert to go to my manager when a Dataset is updated/Refreshed


Can I set up a notification/Alert to go to my manager when a Dataset is updated/Refreshed 





  • n8isjack-ret
    n8isjack-ret Domo Employee

    There are quite a few ways to accomplish this. Your specific situation may impact what would work best but you definitely can do this through card alerts.


    You may be able to create an alert using an already existing card that uses the dataset you want to monitor. You will just need to structure the alert to a really fine grain so that it triggers any time new data loads.


    Here is a simple solution that would allow you to achieve it:


    Sample Solution:

    Create a card that displays all records from the dataset. Create an alert on that card that triggers if the total number of items changes by at least 1 record.


    As a result you will get alerted any time new records load into the dataset.


    Alerts have a lot of functionality so there are other scenarios you could use, this is probably the simplest.


    Former Domo employee you can find me in the Dojo Community here @n8isjack
  • kshah008
    kshah008 Contributor

    @HelenOBrien, did n8isjack's reply help you out?

  • mdelorey
    mdelorey Domo Employee

    @HelenOBrien: good answer from @n8isjack-ret about how to set the alert up. if your question refers more about the ability to subscribe your manager to that alert, domo does not currently support that feature, but there is an idea you can upvote to add your use cases and stay up-to-date on progress:

    Retired Domo Alum