Combining Filtered Rows to one table


I am using one dataset for all three cards shown below. I have them on separate cards right now as they each are filtered to different things.

Is there a way I can combine them so they would all show on one card/table together with one heading but show the three rows one under another with their filters still applied to each row? Could I create a formula/beastmode that lists out each filter criteria and make that a new column basically and then have the data columns follow as they do now? If so how would something like that be formatted or do you know of other ways to approach this?




  • Manasi_Panov
    Manasi_Panov Contributor

    Hi @SamanthaC,

    Yes, this can be accomplished using a CASE statement in Beast Mode. However, the results will be displayed in a column rather than rows. If you provide additional details or a sample dataset, Iā€™d be happy to assist further.

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  • Agree with Manasi, you could use a CASE statement in a BeastMode. Something like:


    WHEN [conditions for first table] THEN 'Row 1'

    WHEN [conditions for second table] THEN 'Row 2'

    WHEN [conditions for third table] THEN 'Row 3'

    ELSE 'Exclude'


    Then filter your card to exclude the 'Exclude' rows.

    Please šŸ’”/šŸ’–/šŸ‘/šŸ˜Š this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.

  • SamanthaC
    SamanthaC Member

    Hi David and Manasi. Thank you both! I was able to consolidate these as needed! Now I am trying to add in further formulas/calculations onto this data so have opened a new question regarding beast modes mimicking simple excel calculations. I've linked it here if you could help further! Thanks!