Complicated Calculation involving a FIXED BY Beast Mode!

Hi All

I have a challenge with a calculation which involves a few Beast Modes, one of which uses a FIXED BY function which I have converted to a numeric field using *1 at the end of the formula

The calculation I need to create is (% of Revenue - % of Pricing) * Revenue to calculated a Delta however when I use the % of pricing which uses the FIXED BY function all of my rows return BLANK

The fixed by Function looks like this SUM(MAX(% of Pricing)) FIXED (BY Category)*1 which gives me a decimal value for % formatting and shows the values as I would expect however, when I try to use it in a calculated field it doesn't work

What am I doing wrong?




  • I don't know the technical way to say this, but BeastModes need to be at all the same level of aggregation. So if part of your BeastMode is fixed, all of it needs to be fixed.

    Rather than using nested BeastModes, you'll have better luck re-writing the larger BeastMode from scratch, which will make it obvious where you are using the FIXED/not using it.

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