Seeking Best Practice Advice: Reporting Financials in Domo

Hi community,

What is best practice for reporting financials in Domo?

Currently, we have raw financials, account by account, fed in through a simple CSV. There are no summaries in this CSV, so I have to aggregate them with Beastmodes to get to summary numbers. For example, EBITDA is calculated as such (see code below)

This is is a lot of work for a simple calculation that would take three clicks in Excel.

My question: Should I calculate EBITDA/Gross Profit/Overhead%/etc. externally in an Excel workbook, and then upload the summarized financials, or should I continue to perform financial aggregations within Domo? I am not sure of the benefits of either or what would be most scalable so I wanted some thoughts.

WHEN Account = 'Net Revenue' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Other Revenues' THEN Value

-- Net Revenue


SUM(CASE WHEN Account = 'Cost of Good Sold' THEN Value ELSE 0 END)

-- less COGS equals Gross Profit


WHEN Account = 'EE Salaries and Benefits' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Supplies' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Rent' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Occupancy' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Purchased Services' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Insurance' THEN Value
WHEN Account = 'Other Expenses' THEN Value

-- less expenses equals EBITDA

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  • Hi @Data_Devon,

    So I've done this with a lot of PE firms. Honestly, from my experience, the answer comes down to how many people need to adjust numbers. If it's just you and you want to go down the Domo path - go for it. HOWEVER, if you have a lot of other finance people who need to give input or make adjustments, I have found it easier to do all the stuff in Excel because excel has specific finance formulas like NPV or making CAGR etc and just bring that into Domo via Onedrive or the Excel plugin.

    It's kind of like, you can learn the shortcut the change an excel cell green, but you can also just click it and choose green.

    John Le

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