Beast mode - no aggregation

Hi Everyone,

I created a pivot table that will show the cost of dispatches. Please see below:

one of the values that we are using is called Number of Ports ( blue Value that says COUNT of Nu. ) and for some reason the number does not populate any data even though on our tickets it shows a number. And maybe because that's why, it is set as a dimension instead of a measure. The drop down only provides COUNT, and we need to set it as NO Aggregation.

Is there a way to create a beast mode calculation to show a no aggregate for Number of ports so that it shows data ( numerical value)?

Any assistance is greatly appreciated. Thank you


Best Answer

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓


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  • Since you're using the pivot table, it needs some way to aggregate the value. Since it's a text column, the only default is a count.

    Pivot Tables can be a little particular, and sometimes will fight you on having text display. The most reliable ones I've found are something like:

    CASE WHEN COUNT(`Nu`) > 10 then 'No' else 'Yes' end

    Where it's not really pulling the text out of the data but is creating a text label based on an aggregation.

    But depending on your data, one of these might work:


    CASE WHEN Nu <> '' then Nu END

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

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  • Abe
    Abe Member

    @DavidChurchman Thank you very much for the information in regards to what Pivot Tables and the beast mode formula.

    For the 'Nu' is this where I would place the dimension?

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓


    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

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  • Abe
    Abe Member

    @DavidChurchman Thank you for the assist! This has been really helpful and pointed me in the right way to get this resolved.