Workflows Form Error: Assignee does not have update content access to queue

NateBI Contributor

Hi Team,

I'm sending a form to a user and this error was returned. I can't find a function that grants access to the user (dynamically) to access the queue .

The flow is as follows:

This is the second half of a loop over dataframe template flow.


Best Answer

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Nate - I’ve had customers take the approach of dynamically creating the group, adding the users, sharing the queue, then deleting the group and so on.

    I have a function I can share with you, that will allow you to programmatically share a queue. Here’s another thought. Could you make a dynamic group with a rule that automatically puts the user in the group, and share the queue with that group? Then enable assignee security so they can only see what’s shared with them?

    I’d imagine you could create a rule that would only apply to new users, and have them automatically be in the new users group. You could also have a workflow that runs whenever a new user is added that puts them in the new users group, and then wants some number of days and removes them from that group (60 days later or something) if there wasn’t an easy way to make the rules you wanted for the dynamic group.


  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    @NateBI , is the task assigned to a group? Or do an individual?

    You do need to make sure that you go into Queues, and share the queue with the appropriate people. That isn't something that we've done dynamically in the workflow, but suppose I could help you write a function to do that.

    The current guidance would be to go to Task Center and share the queue with all the people who may need to have a task assigned to them in it. If they don't have access to the Queue, it will fail as you see here. Leveraging GROUPS in these cases (sharing the queue with a group) can be a good work around to having to give a bunch of individuals access.

  • NateBI
    NateBI Contributor
    edited February 14

    The task is assigned to individuals as a part of an onboarding workflow. The group method is less appealing, I presssume I would need to create a group, assign new users to the group, asign tasks to the group and track the responses at the individual level (feels like a lot of faff). The function may be the way to go here @DanHendriksen. That being said, would the function require doing all of these actions just backend(pydomo) 😅

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee
    Answer ✓

    Nate - I’ve had customers take the approach of dynamically creating the group, adding the users, sharing the queue, then deleting the group and so on.

    I have a function I can share with you, that will allow you to programmatically share a queue. Here’s another thought. Could you make a dynamic group with a rule that automatically puts the user in the group, and share the queue with that group? Then enable assignee security so they can only see what’s shared with them?

    I’d imagine you could create a rule that would only apply to new users, and have them automatically be in the new users group. You could also have a workflow that runs whenever a new user is added that puts them in the new users group, and then wants some number of days and removes them from that group (60 days later or something) if there wasn’t an easy way to make the rules you wanted for the dynamic group.

  • DanHendriksen
    DanHendriksen Domo Employee

    No matter what, responses will be tracked at the individual level, by the way. The metadata will always show which user actioned/completed the task.

  • NateBI
    NateBI Contributor

    @DanHendriksen Ok I'll have a crack at it and keep you posted thanks!