Is it possible to only show a dashboard or cards once a selection has been made on a filter card?

I have various use cases where I'd want to do this. Couple of examples:

  1. We have a Program > Project structure. I'd like the user to be presented with only a single filter card for choosing the Program they are interested in it. Once a selection is made, the dashboard then shows Projects for only that Program.
  2. Similarly, I have a resource dashboard showing planning, availability, etc. I'd like a user to select a Resource Manager, before showing the information for the direct reports of that Resource Manager.

Whether it's a popup type card/window, or a dashboard that only shows a single filter card before the other cards are shown is fine. So what I'm not looking for is a filter card that refines the data a user is already looking at (I use that regularly). In this case, I want the filter card to be the entry point to see the other data in the dashboard in a sense.

Any functionality like this?


Best Answers

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @PJG may be a bit of a confusing process but I am thinking you could use some combination of filtering along with a link that has pfilters in it. A user could filter on the project they have and then a card below could create a link that is essentially the page you want them to see with whatever filter they choose embedded into it. I use this with my directory pages where I use the HTML dropdown link brick and have links to a dashboard filtered for a specific project. They would then click the link and it would bring them to the dashboard with the filtered data. It might get a bit clunky and would be hard to re-do the filtering but may help direct people to the content only they need to see. You may also be able to get creative with PDPs to try and solve this. I don't think this is something you could do with current functionally without having to get creative.

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  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    In AppStudio, you can set filters to persist across pages in the app, and set up links to other pages within the app (or just have people browse between pages using the drop-down). Is that similar to what you're asking for?

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

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  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @PJG may be a bit of a confusing process but I am thinking you could use some combination of filtering along with a link that has pfilters in it. A user could filter on the project they have and then a card below could create a link that is essentially the page you want them to see with whatever filter they choose embedded into it. I use this with my directory pages where I use the HTML dropdown link brick and have links to a dashboard filtered for a specific project. They would then click the link and it would bring them to the dashboard with the filtered data. It might get a bit clunky and would be hard to re-do the filtering but may help direct people to the content only they need to see. You may also be able to get creative with PDPs to try and solve this. I don't think this is something you could do with current functionally without having to get creative.

    **If this answer solved your problem be sure to like it and accept it as a solution!

  • DavidChurchman
    Answer ✓

    In AppStudio, you can set filters to persist across pages in the app, and set up links to other pages within the app (or just have people browse between pages using the drop-down). Is that similar to what you're asking for?

    Please 💡/💖/👍/😊 this post if you read it and found it helpful.

    Please accept the answer if it solved your problem.