Drill Down - Quick Filter for particular Category

I want to add a quick filter in my card but it should only be visible when I am drilling down certain Category. (It should NOT be displayed when any other category is selected to drill down)
e.g., Quick filter for "Vendor Name" should be displayed only when the Column chart is drilled down for "Hotels" Category.
When any other Category is drilled down it should not display "Vendor Name" as quick filter.

Currently when I am adding quick filters I am able to see it for all the categories after drilling down. How can i achieve this?


Best Answer

  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Ajinkya I am not sure this is possible using current quick filters. They are meant to show regardless on what was selected during a drill down. All filters will show as an option but the content of the data would be filtered to whatever was selected in the drill down. Its possible maybe you could achieve this using variables. Potentially making a variable for "filter column" and then based on the data selected the variable would choose the correct column to use as a filter.

    **If this answer solved your problem be sure to like it and accept it as a solution!


  • Ashleigh
    Ashleigh Coach
    Answer ✓

    @Ajinkya I am not sure this is possible using current quick filters. They are meant to show regardless on what was selected during a drill down. All filters will show as an option but the content of the data would be filtered to whatever was selected in the drill down. Its possible maybe you could achieve this using variables. Potentially making a variable for "filter column" and then based on the data selected the variable would choose the correct column to use as a filter.

    **If this answer solved your problem be sure to like it and accept it as a solution!