Recreating DOMO Marketing Ops Dashboard Sample

verytiredgirl Member
edited March 18 in Charting

I saw DOMO sample Market Operation dashboard which has :

  • Tabs within a specific chart (Highlights & Engagement) & distribution plot for each day of the week
  • 2 custom charts at the bottom

Which I would like to recreate, does anyone know how to achieve this? I haven't seen these function (tab within a card) or these custom charts in DOMO.



  • Wow, what a great find. This is incredibly misleading advertising from Domo. Everything about this would be very difficult to achieve without basically coding it yourself in Javascript and using a D3 or Echarts brick to put it in your dashboard (and if you're able to do that, what is the value-add of Domo?). I'm commenting in case I'm wildly wrong and someone knows a way to do this in Domo.

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