Drill Down while maintaining breadth

Data_Devon Contributor

I want to be able to interact with a card wherein the scope of the x-axis (time in this case) is sticky, but the series changes. Right now, if you drill down to a point on the x-axis, such as a year, it drills down to the year. Is it possible to drill "across" to a separate series?

I understand that the Drill Down isn't the answer, but I want to create interactivity instead of just 3 separate cards.

For instance, here is the first view, which is total production year over year:

I want the next view to be total production year over year, but with one extra level of detail, such as year over year by location:

And then I want the final level of detail to be year over year by producer at the location, as in:

Notice how the y axis shrinks since we are looking at one single producer instead of all producers at one location.

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