Group Administration


I have a closed group that was created in our instance of Domo. The original owner is no longer with the company. I need to make the person who replaced them the owner of the group. However, even as an instance admin, I do not seem to have the ability to do this. I do not see the "edit" option I see on groups that I am already an owner of.

Am I missing something? Is there a configuration that hasn't been set up?


Best Answer

  • ColemenWilson
    edited April 24 Answer ✓

    If you are an instance admin then you control all grants. Grants are controlled in the Roles section in Admin settings.

    EDIT: oh I was able to replicate the issue you are having. Yikes that seems like a product enhancement need. I would suggest submitting this in the ideas exchange

    You can also modify the group using the Group Management tool in governance toolkit:

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above


  • ColemenWilson

    It appears only when you hover next to the name of the furthest right group owner. You'll need the grant "Manage All Groups" to be able to edit closed groups owned by others.

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  • Minvarian

    Thanks for the response Coleman. I understand that this works, but as an admin for our instance, I can't control what users select when they make their groups. However, if that person leaves the company, then we are essentially left with a dead group because the one person who could add that "grant" back is gone. As an instance admin, I should have the authority to do this regardless of that option. Otherwise, what's the point.

  • ColemenWilson
    edited April 24 Answer ✓

    If you are an instance admin then you control all grants. Grants are controlled in the Roles section in Admin settings.

    EDIT: oh I was able to replicate the issue you are having. Yikes that seems like a product enhancement need. I would suggest submitting this in the ideas exchange

    You can also modify the group using the Group Management tool in governance toolkit:

    If I solved your problem, please select "yes" above

  • Minvarian

    Thanks Colemen, we put in a ticket because another site Admin felt this might be a bug. I will also head over to the idea exchange and add something there once our ticket is answered.