Change Dataset on Form and Dataset Brick

Francis Member

I'm working on a Form and Dataset Brick. I've got some background in coding enough to change a few table elements.

What I'm trying to do now is change the dataset. Right now the table is pointing to a dataset that was seemingly created when I created the brick. I renamed the dataset "P&F Test Form". Everything is working perfectly to sync to this data set and I was able to update all the field names and table names to my new names. The problem is there is no data in this dataset accept for what I've entered during my test.

I have another master P&F Form Dataset that has around 300 rows of data. I would like to change the form from the test to the master and have the table fill in all the rows.

When I change the "Dataset" in the SELECT DATASET to the master I can see everything populate in the bottom view table, but not in the card table?

I assume I have to change something in the Javascript, but have no clue what to change.

I would also be just as happy to import the data from the master to this dataset, but again, don't know how to do that.



This is what happens when I change the dataset - the old data remains. This other dataset is considered a "webform" not an AppDP (API) which is maybe the other reason it's not working?


Best Answer

  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    I believe to change the dataset that your brick is connected to, you'll need to adjust the configuration within the brick itself. Open the configuration settings and look for the option where you specify the dataset that the brick is connected to. This is labeled as "Dataset" or something similar.

    Sorry, I'm not currently where I can look at it.

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  • ArborRose
    ArborRose Coach
    Answer ✓

    I believe to change the dataset that your brick is connected to, you'll need to adjust the configuration within the brick itself. Open the configuration settings and look for the option where you specify the dataset that the brick is connected to. This is labeled as "Dataset" or something similar.

    Sorry, I'm not currently where I can look at it.

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  • JosephMeyers
    JosephMeyers Contributor

    The Form and DataSet Brick uses a form inside of the app to write to AppDB. AppDB is a document based data system that is separate from the standard DataSets found in Domo. This AppDB data can be synced to a standard Domo DataSet. The DataSet it syncs to is automatically generated with a name using the format {collectionName}_{appInstanceId}_APP_DB. You can change this name in the DataCenter once the DataSet is generated.

    Now, if you want, you can link this DataSet to the app and perform queries or whatever you need with it however, since this app is already writing to AppDB you can just make queries to AppDB instead and not need to use a synced DataSet at all. The table shown with the default Brick code is pulling from AppDB so it won't reflect anything being changed with the wired DataSet only the wired collection.