Group By issue


I am doing a group by tile in magic etl. i have different values for different ID's and need to sum up all the values in each ID. For some reason some of the ID's are not summing and I get null in column for the ID. I did formula to make sure all null values before grouping are 0 thinking that would fix it but for some reason I am still getting null for some. Anyone have any ideas why this is happening?

Best Answer

  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    Answer ✓

    Can you share a screenshot of your Group By tile configuration? The ID should be the column to identify the grouping (1), whatever name you want in (2) and the column containing the values with the SUM aggregation in (3). There should also be no need to do any NULL handling for the values to be aggregated.


  • marcel_luthi
    marcel_luthi Coach
    Answer ✓

    Can you share a screenshot of your Group By tile configuration? The ID should be the column to identify the grouping (1), whatever name you want in (2) and the column containing the values with the SUM aggregation in (3). There should also be no need to do any NULL handling for the values to be aggregated.