HTML Links Dropdown Brick


I am using the HTML Links Dropdown brick and I notice that if I try to right click and open in a new tab it says its blocked. Anyone else notice this? I am using the default code that comes with the brick.

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  • michiko
    michiko Contributor

    I suspect the browser is blocking the JS. If you change the code

    FROM  <a href="javascript:domo.navigate('', false)">Sales</a>   

    TO <a href="">Sales</a>

    that should work and it avoids changing the browser's setting

  • Ashleigh

    lol doing that made the brick itself navigate to the page rather then actually opening it in my browser

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  • MarkSnodgrass


    I'm not sure about the ability to right-click, but if you want to have a link open in a new tab, change the false to true in the code that is just after the link. That tells it whether or not to open in a new tab.

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  • Ashleigh

    @mark@MarkSnodgrass yea I have it setup with the true setting right now but as I was testing it I was trying to right click to open up several at a time which is how I found this error.

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