2 questions about DOMO everywhere.


  1. Does the link ever change? I want to just have a Gmail sent every day with the link to the dashboard (that I assume changes due to the Etl Running) so I plan on doing that by scheduling an email with the link.
  2. Dependent on # 1, is it possible to have the link name change so for example "Report for 1/25/2024" and tomorrow the link will say "report for 1/26/2024"

Thanks in Advance!

Best Answers

  • trafalger
    trafalger Coach
    Answer ✓

    Do you mean like the link to the Domo everywhere page? I believe it stays consistent unless you publish/unpublish it. Even then it might persist.

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @ColinHaze Link should never change.


  • trafalger
    trafalger Coach
    Answer ✓

    Do you mean like the link to the Domo everywhere page? I believe it stays consistent unless you publish/unpublish it. Even then it might persist.

  • ellibot
    ellibot Contributor
    Answer ✓

    @ColinHaze Link should never change.